I am writing this post to let readers know the Shark Tank Blog will be on Hurricane hiatus for the near term. On Wednesday, September 28, Hurricane Ian made landfall about 35 miles south of where I live. The eyewall was directly over my community for hours with sustained winds of 80 mph and gusts to over 100 mph. Thankfully, our home sustained minor damage: just a few soffit covers blown off, some sections of fence knocked down and – as you can see in the picture above – our shed was destroyed.
Thankfully, there was no damage to our roof and my family is safe and sound. It was a terrifying experience but we are lucky to have such minor damage. Others in my neighborhood were not so lucky as two people on my block had trees go through their roof. People further south were not as lucky as us. Fort Meyers was literally leveled and thousands lost everything. We are without power and internet until October 9th at the latest.
Hurricane Hiatus Consequences
As a result of the disruptions from Hurricane Ian, the Shark Tank Blog will be taking a “hurricane hiatus” for a week or two. I must focus on making the necessary repairs to my home and keeping it secure. Without power and internet, it makes it impossible to write a blog (I’m writing this at a friend’s house who has power and internet).
After this is behind us, rest assured the Shark Tank Blog will continue to provide the most reliable, up to date information on the companies that appear on The Shark Tank. In the meantime, I will do what I have to do. Once this is behind me, I’ll be back!

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
Glad to hear that you are safe. I have a home in Port Charlotte. Home sustained minor damage. I was lucky that I had to go to Pennsylvania the Sunday before as my husband was having surgery. I will be back down to PC as soon as the power is back on.
Take care
Thanks. Port Charlotte got hit really bad. Be strong.