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Shark Tank Entrepreneur Edwin Heaven Throx After Show

Shark Tank Entrepreneur, Edwin Heaven of Throx didn’t fair to well during the show. How did he do after? I’ve done some research and this is what I’ve found out.

My first step was to visit Throx, the website. He has a goofy entry point, maybe he needs it to sell his three socks, but in most cases, this is a bad idea. Your making your audience wait to get information and that’s not good. To make up for it, the second page you see is a page you can pick the pair of Throx socks that you like. He’s showcasing his products which is good. Then you click on the pair of socks, it asks you to put them into your shopping cart, but there is no price on this page. Is this you have to buy them to know how much they are going to cost you? 🙂

Edwin Heaven doesn’t have a link to the Shark Tank presentation from his website, but he does have clips from the Today show and Donny Duetsch and the Big Idea. Could this be because his presentation didn’t go that well?

Edwin Heaven is a complete comedian, making a business out of having fun. Highly unusual, the concept fits him well. Still, he’s taken seriously on the Big Idea. Donny nailed him for how he presents himself. He says he needs to clean up. I’m sure he doesn’t.

None of the Sharks bit on Edwin Heaven’s company, Throx. They all said the deal was too small and Kevin O”Leary believes the major companies would crush his idea if it got any traction. Obviously this contradicts the people on “The Big Idea” and I tend to agree with the Shark Tank investors. This idea is too much of a novelty, a gag gift. If I wanted three of the same sock, I’d buy four, especially at the prices Throx are.


  1. I agree with you on all points. I actually put a set in the shopping cart just to see how much they cost. They ended up being over $20 including shipping. Now that’s just CRAZY. Much cheaper to buy 2 pairs of the same socks in the store!!

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