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Shed Defender

Shed DefenderMyles and Tyson Walters want a good fit for Shed Defender, their onesie for dogs, in Shark Tank episode 1003. Tyson came up with the idea back in 2011 when he wanted a solution for his Saint Bernard’s massive shedding. The Shed Defender looks like a doggie leotard. When your pup wears it, his hair doesn’t get all over the furniture, rugs or car. The hair stays in the leotard and you wash it out when it’s convenient for you.

The Shed Defender has some other benefits, too. Some dogs benefit from the mild compression. Nervous dogs feel more secure when they wear one. The garment also replaces the dreaded “cone of shame” some dogs need to wear after surgery. Which looks more ridiculous – a cone of shame or a dog in a leotard is up for debate. Instagrammers love it too as it provides some pretty funny dog pictures. When your pooch wears one it reduces airborne allergens and pet dander. It’s great for winter, keeping bugs off your dog or just keeping her clean a little bit longer. There are holes for pooping and peeing too!

Tyson spent several years perfecting his product. He tried different designs and fabrics until he had the right fit. Initially he only made them for his dog, but people kept asking him about it so he started a business. Customers love them, though nobody asked the dogs how they feel. They come in a variety of colors and patterns and range in price from $39.99 for a mini up to $62.99 for a “huge.”

The Walters brothers are getting a lot of press for their product in the pet world. So far, they’ve been well received. They likely need a Shark’s help with manufacturing and with selling in to the pet trade.

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Posts about Shed Defender on Shark Tank Blog

Stops Shedding Mess from Dogs

Shed Defender Shark Tank Recap

Myles and Tyson enter the Shark Tank with Tyson’s Saint Bernard Harley, who – of course – is in a Shed Defender. They are seeking $250,000 for 10% of their business. They tell their story and give their pitch. The Sharks find it a bit funny. As they hand out samples, Robert comes onstage to pet Harley.

Mark wants the numbers: in 18 months, they’ve done $1.2 million in sales. They sell for $32.99 for the mini up to $62.99 for the giant size. They cost from $6.23 to $13.20 to make – roughly 80% blended margins. The company doesn’t have a patent so the Sharks have concerns about that.

Mark says he’s not a pet industry guy, he goes out. Barbara thinks they should hold off on retail. She can’t relate to the business, she’s out. Kevin offers $250,000 for 33% of the business. Robert offers the same thing. Lori jumps in and offers $250,000 for 28%. The brothers counter with 25% and after some back and forth negotiating, Lori agrees and they do the deal.

Shed Defender Shark Tank Update

The Shark Tank Blog constantly provides updates and follow-ups about entrepreneurs who have appeared on the Shark Tank TV show. The deal with Lori never closed. The products are available on Amazon and Chewy. They also introduced chew toys, leashes and dog shampoos to their line.

In 2020, Tyson wanted to get his products into retail, but that got put off until 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In October, 2020, they did a private equity funding round with VisioCap. As of June, 2022, you can find them in Bed Bath and Beyond, Wal Mart, and online. As of April, 2024, annual revenues are $1 million.