DJ R Dub brings his syndicated radio show featuring love song dedications to the Shark Tank in episode 507. R Dub started his themed program 20 years ago at a “small radio station in the desert” and has brought the concept with him as he’s moved from station to station. In 2003, he began broadcasting from his home studio as a syndicated radio show Sunday Night Slow Jams. He has R&B artist Brian McKnight assisting him in his pitch; apparently McKnight will croon for the Sharks.
R Dub plays smooth R&B and his hook is he takes love song dedications from one loved one to another. Anyone who’s ever been in a romantic mood and put on some old Barry White tunes ought to get the picture. R Dub has taken radio’s age-old idea of having a guy or gal request a radio station play “our song” to an international level. He’s in 50 markets in three countries now and most likely wants to expand, with the Sharks’ help of course.
My Take on Love Song Dedications
As a bit of a romantic myself, I see the value of a radio show like Sunday Night Slow Jams. What loved one wouldn’t want to hear a “shout out” with their favorite song from their significant other. The term “they’re paying our song” is still alive and well. Plus, there’s nothing like a little Barry White to “set the mood.”
The concept is good, but is syndicated radio a thing of the past? The only time I really listen to “regular” radio anymore is in the car – and it’s usually sports. If I want music, I have CD’s, iPods, and XFM radio. When I listen to music at home, it’s pretty much the same thing. For a little “mood music,” we pop the iPod into a player and dim the lights. While I like the idea of a syndicated radio show featuring love song dedications, I don’t think I’d count myself as a listener.
Do Sharks Show R Dub some Love?
A popular syndicated radio program can be a very lucrative business. Despite my listening habits, 92% of Americans 12 and older listen to the radio regularly. The more listeners there are for a specific show, the more advertising revenue a program commands. Love is the “universal language,” so one could assume a love song dedications radio show would be popular. I don’t think the Sharks bite on this deal though.
This whole pitch smacks of pure PR. R Dub worked at numerous radio stations in his career. He’s had the opportunity to pitch his show to radio behemoths like Westwood One. What a station needs to pick up a syndicated show is social proof ie: ratings. It wouldn’t hurt if people requested the show on their local stations either. R Dub, after he appears on Shark Tank, will have a little more “juice” when he approaches stations to pick up his program. If he pulls off the PR well, he’ll get the expanded listenership he’s looking for. I just don’t think he’ll have a Shark in the booth with him.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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