Passwords are something people use on a daily basis, and Doug and Chad Clark created a password app, called Splikity, that makes generating and saving passwords simpler and more secure. Basically, their password app generates complicated passwords for each of your websites, saves them for you, and synchs them across all devices. They claim their platform is secure as it uses military grade encryption software to save your passwords; it’s so secure, the company doesn’t even know your passwords. Their method is much more secure than storing passwords in your browser, which could leave you vulnerable to hackers. You can even organize all your websites into categories: financial, social, work, etc.
Splikity is free to download, but if you want to use the service, it costs $4.99 per month or $49 annually.
My Take on the Password App
There are over 1.5 million apps available to consumers. Most apps fail out of the gate because they’re poorly researched or poorly executed. It looks like Splikity has both of those hurdles covered. The password app is user-friendly and appears to work as advertised. They already have some happy users and their website (predictably) has positive testimonials.
I don’t think I personally would use it. I have different passwords for many different sites and I have them memorized. I was born with the gift of a memory like a steel trap. I used to remember phone numbers without writing them down, but I have lost that ability as cell phones began storing phone numbers. I can remember phone numbers from 30 years ago, but not one from 5 years ago. The reason is, I don’t have to anymore, but I do have to remember passwords, so remembering passwords lets me exercise that part of my brain on a daily basis. My password app is my brain, and I’ll stick with that, thank you.
That’s not to say a lot of people wouldn’t buy it. My wife likes the idea, she can’t remember her own phone number! There are more people like her than me in the world, so it’s safe to say there’s a market. The one thing she was a little leery of was someone else managing her passwords, she was worried about what would happen if Splikity got hacked. That’s probably their biggest hurdle – the trust issue; if they can tackle that, they’ll have a winner, but I am still out.
Do Sharks Invest or Pass?
Having a good idea for an app is one thing, selling it is another. A quick check in the Google app store and on iTunes doesn’t show an overwhelming amount of activity for Splikity’s password app. Perhaps the word hasn’t gotten out yet – something a Shark Tank appearance will cure – or perhaps the world isn’t ready for this particular solution.
The Sharks will want some answers on how well the Clarks researched and executed their password app. Anything short of specific answers will spell their doom. It would be very simple to say Robert – the internet security guru – would take an interest in Splikity, but he’ll likely be the most critical Shark. Mark Cuban may be a bit more vocal on this pitch than he was throughout all of last week’s show, but he’s likely to be just as critical as Robert.
I can’t see Barbara, Lori, or Kevin investing in Splikity; the likely Sharks would be Robert or Mark. Based on the fact that Splikity hasn’t done any social media hype leading up to the show, I can’t see them leaving the Tank with a deal.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
Clark boys are deer in the headlights. Ill prepared, not able to handle Mark or Robert at any technical depth. They can’t name their OEM licensor. aes256 buzzword is all they can parrot.