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Shark Tank Episodes

Welcome to The Shark Tank Blog’s Shark Tank episodes page. All Shark Tank episodes are listed by season, episode number and original broadcast date. Click each season for a complete list of Shark Tank episodes.

Season 1    Season 2    Season 3   Season 4 

Season 5    Season 6    Season 7   Season 8

Season 9    Season 10  Season 11 Season 12

Season 13  Season 14  Season 15 Beyond the Tank

As of the end of season 15, there were a total of nearly 400 Shark Tank Episodes plus the “Swimming with Sharks Special” and the Beyond the Tank show. There were 14 episodes in season 1, 9 in season 2, 15 in season 3, 26 in season 4, and 28 in seasons 5, 6 & 7. The 100th episode also aired during season 6. They typically air between 22 and 26 episodes from season six forward. At the end of season six, Beyond the Tank premiered – a new show featuring in-depth updates on past Shark Tank businesses. By the time season 7 ended, Beyond the Tank became a popular and regular show, but ABC didn’t renew Beyond the Tank during season 8. Shark Tank had its 200th episode in the season 10 premier.

Episodes are numbered with numerals for the season and show production sequence. For instance, episode 1203 indicates it is season 12 and it was the 3rd show sequentially produced. For a variety of reasons, they do not air the shows sequentially. For instance, in season 12, episode 1205 was the 4th show aired in that season. Shark Tank Blog publishes ABC’s show numbers, not just “season 12, episode 4.” This keeps us in line with ABC’s nomenclature for episodes.

Shark Tank Episodes


Shark Tank Episodes on CNBC

In January, 2014, CNBC started airing syndicated reruns; with nearly 300 episodes in the can and season 13 going into production, there should be years of reruns. CNBC scored big airing Shark Tank reruns; the show has catapulted the network to tops in Tuesday night ratings.

The show had a niche audience during its first two seasons and in season three, viewership took off. Shark Tank OWNS Friday nights, but ABC was considering a move to Thursdays for season six; it never occurred. It did air on Sunday nights for several seasons, but returned to Fridays in season 11.

Over 1000 businesses appeared on the show during the the course of 13 seasons, making it the premier business reality show on TV. Over 40,000 businesses apply for the show annually and the momentum continues to get stronger. In season 5, a clause in the entrepreneurs’ contract allowing for a 2-5% producer’s option on all sales was eliminated from the appearance contract, allowing more businesses to appear without the fear of losing a lot of money in sales.

Shark Tank Season 15 and Beyond

Season 16 casting is underway and the show continues to grow in popularity. Many businesses see Shark Tank as a good PR vehicle. ABC thinks it’s good entertainment. Fans watch to see the Sharks fight and to get ideas about businesses of their own. The show first premiered during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression and it struck a hopeful, entrepreneurial chord with the entire nation. We here at Shark Tank Blog hope for a long run for years to come.


  1. Would like to know how to buy the S.W.A.G. product for men’s faces that wasn’t backed by any of the sharks last night!

  2. Patricia Johnson says

    I would like information on the company that the Shark Tank invested capital.
    The comapny pitched thier business that gives capital to merchants and use the merchants credit card service to pay back over a agreed time’
    Patricia Johnson

  3. The background music is too distracting and too loud. It’s difficult to hear the presenters present their ideas. Is it possible to turn it down or off. ?

  4. Kenny marallo says

    Please e-mail me mastro795@gmail.Com I have a lot of great idea I know they will make money,please e-mail me please,

  5. Mitchel Bass says

    What’s the deal regarding Trunkster? No contact has been made since I placed my order months ago. Would be nice to make contact with customers and touch base on when to expect delivery or at least when shipping will begin. No word, no phone number to contact trunkster and get answers. They got there Shark (investor) and still no product and no word. Not the way to do business. Please advise. Thank you.

  6. Way to go Kevin! That Maneesh from Pavlok just destroyed his company. If he doesn’t lose his job over that, he should. Who knows what his ultimate goal from being on your show. It definitely was a black mark toward his company. Our family loves you and Reader Rabbit helped my kids love reading. Best wishes and here’s to many more lucrative investments!

  7. Dorothy Langston says

    Episode 103 on CBC TODAY. why did no one go with playing cards. That would sell millions.

  8. Lydia R Forkin says


  9. Ice Shaker says

    Nice blog … and informative also…

  10. Cynthia Elaine Chaney says

    Is Pure Glow really a scam? I believe if they find out it’s a scam, they should publish it. People, as I have, bought the product because we have trusted the Shark Tank.
    Thank you for considering letting the public know the truth about a product, especially skin care, when they find out that is a scam.
    Orr is it their scam? Barbara is/was a Real Estate Broker, and knows what is ethical. I am a Realtor also in San Diego County and have the utmost respect for her. Thanking you,
    I remain very truly yours.

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