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Helmet Accessories – Fohawx

helmet accessories fohawxToys R Us veterans and momtrepreneurs Jocelyn Fine and Kelly Dineen bring their line of helmet accessories called FoHawx into the Shark Tank on Friday, December 6. FoHawx were created by accident when Joelyn’s daughter made a makeshift “Mohawk” for her little brother’s bike helmet one day a few years ago. They thought it was a cool idea, so the pair began churning out their helmet accessories and selling them in mom and pop toy shops.

FoHawx attaches to helmets of all kinds, making it look like the person wearing a FoHawx adorned helmet has a colorful “Mohawk” hairdo.  The helmet accessories are becoming quite popular on ski helmets and bike helmets; there are even reports of construction workers sporting FoHawx on their hard hats!

My Take on FoHawx Helmet Accessories

As a father of 4 girls, I am familiar with accessories of ALL kinds, but we’ve never had helmet accessories in our house. That’s not to say they wouldn’t go over well – I’m sure they would. Kids love “cool stuff” and my 9 year old said FoHawx were “the bomb.” There are bike helmets with Mohawks built in to the helmet, but FoHawx are interchangeable with different helmets, so kids can swap them out and change their look if they desire.

I think it’s a clever idea and it would be an excellent Christmas gift for a kid who wants a little flair. I might even sport one on my bike helmet. I’m willing to bet more than a few FoHawx make their way under the Christmas tree this season.

Will the Sharks Accessorize?

One thing puzzles me about the FoHawx pitch: why do these ladies need the Sharks? They already have FoHawx in Toys R Us and WalMart – I’m sure their connections at Toys R Us corporate helped speed those arrangements along. This won’t be a typical “we’re looking for a strategic partner pitch,” I think Jocelyn and Kelly need CASH to fulfill purchase orders.

There could be an offer or two for this business, provided the numbers aren’t horrible. The Sharks should be impressed by the ladies’ efforts to get on the shelves at two major retail chains. We might see the old “you don’t need us” retorts in the Tank, but I think Jocelyn and Kelly have a shot at hooking a Shark – which one remains to be seen.

About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.

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