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Kim Pries Due In Maternity TShirts

Entrepreneur Kim Pries Due In Entrepreneur,  presented to the Shark Tank investors telling them she’s done 1.4 million dollars in sales since she started her business that specializes in maternity t-shirts. Unfortunately, the economy hit hard and last year, she only did $90,000.00 in sales.

She asked for $50,000.00 for a 15% stake in her company. The company to date has primarily sold in upscale boutiques. Given that her best year had $400,000.00 in sales, she was hopeful that the Sharks would make the investment.

The problem was her pitch was all hope and not anything solid that the Sharks could bite on.

Still, I think Kim is overwhelmed and is unable to make the adjustments necessary to turn her business around. She’s working from a position of desperation, not inspiration.

Kim Pries Due In t-shirt Entrepreneur

She has an original product that has Due in “month” on the front of her shirts. Surely, this is a product that would sell online if she had a marketing strategy towards finding moms online along with a website that did a great job of displaying her product.

If I were Kim, I would be blogging daily as well. This would bring considerable attention to her site and to her product as viewers of Shark Tank would continue to follow and hopefully buy from her.

While the Sharks didn’t bite, and Kevin O’Leary pummeled her at the end, Kim shouldn’t lose hope. She should put her game face on and make the proper adjustments to get people interested in her product.

Missing out on the deal might work out best for her anyway. That is if she can capitalize on the opportunity.

Focus on making your website easy to buy from, get your blog rolling and connect with women in forums and comments on sites focused on mothers-to-be.

Forget about Kevin O’Leary, as he says to others, I’ll say to him. He’s a cockroach and you don’t have to put up with the insults he throws out.

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