Kevin Greco didn’t create Sled Dog ODR Ski-Skates, but he’s pitching them in the Shark Tank Holiday Special nonetheless. Sled Dogs is a Norwegian company that created the skates in 2014. They became popular in Europe and many NHL players like them. You see, Sled Dogs let you ski on snow, so you can wear them to the slopes without cumbersome skis, poles or snowboards.
A Sled Dog is a skate like attachment that clips to ski boots. The sensation and ease of skating coupled with the thrill of downhill skiing made caught Kevin’s eye in 2017. Growing up in Utah, he did his fair share of skiing and he liked the idea. He became head of Sled Dogs USA and started using his marketing skills to sell the product. The product was rebranded as ODR Skis for the American market and there are rentals and sales at top ski resorts throughout the USA. He also sells online from his website.
Once you attach the ODR Skis to your boots, you’re ready for downhill “skating” action or even a trip to the half pipes the snowboarders use. He has hockey players Jaquelyn Peters and John-Michael Liles as spokespersons/ambassadors to highlight how the merger of skiing and skating is achieved. Greco likely wants to create more awareness for his product and he’s hoping a Shark will help get the word out.
My Take on Sled Dog ODR Skis
In my younger days, I was an avid skier. I’ve skied multiple slopes in Utah, Vail and all over New England. I could tackle pretty much any slope with ease. Unfortunately, my knees and back don’t allow me to ski any more and, as a Florida resident, I have neither the opportunity or inclination to do so.
When I first saw Sled Dogs, I was reminded of K-Tel’s Super Slider Min Skis from the 1970’s. I had a pair of these when I was a kid and they were a fun addition to a day of sledding. I never dreamed of taking them to a real ski slope. The ODR skis are far more advanced and actually work like real skates on snow. At about $400-$500 per pair, they’re less expensive than a set of quality skis too. If I were still skiing, I’d be in.
Will Sharks Skate Away with a deal?
Skiing is not a sport for the masses. It takes money to ski. Lift tickets are in the $60-$200 a day range, and that doesn’t include the cost of skis, clothing, lodging, etc. That said, people who ski spend big on the sport. If this can catch on, he’ll sell a lot of them. The Sharks might think it’s too niche though.
The other thing that could complicate the deal is the relationship with the Norwegian parent company. There has to be a clear ownership interest on Kevin’s part or it could muck things up. I’m not totally confident he’ll get a deal unless the numbers are really good for the Sharks. I don’t think Kevin will want to give much up, so while he may field offers, I think he’ll decline.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
I ordered my ODR snow skates December 1st and was informed that there would be a 3 week delay on the order which I was comfortable with. After the 3 weeks had passed I reached out to the company asking if they had an ETA on delivery And wasn’t form that due to overseas shipping delays they would not be sent until middle of January. Needless to say I was not happy with an extra 3 week wait, but I really want to try this product so I knuckled down and waited until the middle of January. After not receiving any shipping information by the middle of January I reached out to the company again. They then proceeded to tell me that the company that makes them in Europe had to close due to covid and that they probably would not be shipped till the 24th of January. I asked for an upgrade or something of that nature since more than half of my New Jersey ski season is over and my sleddogs haven’t even been shipped. They gave me a $25 refund and said that is the best they can do. They also offered a full refund if I canceled my order. All I want is to be able to use these things this year, but sadly it looks like this will not happen being that its nearly February now and still no word on shipping. That being said I am highly disappointed with this company so far and will be hesitant on “selling” this product when I eventually receive them.
Same thing happened to me. I bought 2 pairs for my son’s in Nov 2020 and have yet to receive them . Excuse after excuse and no one calls back when they promised to and of course no email updates. My wife also bought me a size 10 dor Christmas and they actually showed up in Dec. The only problem is they shipped size 8. She has also called many times with the promise someone would call her back and no one has. We just want refunds. As far as I am concerned the company is a joke and no one should buy the product because they will most likely not receive the product.
Kim H.
Same thing happened to me. It’s 2/16 now and I still haven’t got a clue what is going on.
They didn’t offer me the 25$ back though. Pretty sure I’m just going to cancel my order.
Exact same issue for me!!!! I think we need to obtain a lawyer for a class action lawsuit. They refuse to email me back anymore after 3 months of being lied to and I told them to cancel my order a d they have never sent my money back. These people are thieves with no product. I think we should also sue abc for putting a company on shark tank that was not legit!!!
Same thing happened to me! My order was labeled as delivered, but to Oklahoma. I live in Rhode Island! They told me to not worry, there was a “glitch in the system”. Its been a week since I talked to them via email and they have not responded to my inquiries about where my package is or offered any compensation.
I waited 3 months to receive the boots. They finally arrived today, appear to have been used and with one side detached with absolutely no directions in the box. Sorry but this is a crock. Quality control is apparently nonexistent.