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Zero Pollution Motors Shark Tank Update – Shark Tank Season 6

Ethan Tucker and Pat Boone Present Zero Pollution Motors: The Future of Clean Urban Transport.

Zero Pollution Motors


  • Ethan Tucker pitched Zero Pollution Motors, seeking $5 million for 50% equity.
  • The Air Car runs on compressed air, offering a pollution-free alternative for urban transport.
  • Robert Herjavec offered $5 million contingent on securing rights for the entire US market, but the deal never closed.


Category Details
Name Zero Pollution Motors
Founder Ethan Tucker
Industry Automotive, Clean Energy
Product Air Car powered by compressed air
Funding Secured a contingent offer for $5 million for 50% equity from Robert Herjavec (deal did not close)
Investment Ask $5 million
Equity Offered 50%
Valuation $10 million

Ethan Tucker pitches Zero Pollution Motors, the US licensee for Luxembourg-based MDI – developer of the Air Car, in Shark Tank episode 626. Tucker has some high-powered help with his pitch: legendary recording artist Pat Boone joins him as he attempts to get an investment for putting the Zero Pollution Motors Air Car into production.

Zero Pollution Motors’ license makes them a “dealer-manufacturer” of the air car. They’ll build small, regional factories throughout the US to make and sell the air car. The “nano factories,” as they’re called will make and sell the vehicles at the same location.

The Air Car runs on compressed air. There’s very little noise and NO POLLUTION as a result. The tiny, three-wheeled vehicles are made for urban settings – they’re great for scooting around town. Zero Pollution Motors is publicly seeking $5,000,000 in funding in exchange for a 25% equity stake to get the first factory – slated for Hawaii – up and running.

Each Air Car costs between $3700-$5100 to make and they sell for around $10,000. The first vehicles are targeted for production in the second half of 2015. These vehicles have the potential to change the way the world drives and could go a long way toward reducing both pollution and reliance on fossil fuels.

Will a Shark invest or will Zero Pollution Motors leave the Tank deflated?

Zero Pollution Motors Shark Tank Recap

Ethan enters with Pat Boone and Robert immediately recognizes him. Ethan is seeking $5 million for 50% of the company. They unveil the air car and the Sharks chuckle. They explain how the air car works and how it is superior to battery operated vehicles. The example they have is just a cut out photo of an air car – they don’t have a prototype with them.

Robert is more interested in what Pat’s biggest hit is. Daymond calls it a lunch box on wheels. They explain a 4 hour charge on the air car will go 100 miles. The Sharks are impressed by the $10,000 price tag. They explain they are building a small plant in Hawaii and elaborate on the micro-factory.

Ethan explains the relationship with parent company MDI. For example, each car made in Hawaii is exclusive to that territory.

Did Zero Pollution Motors Get A Deal?

Mark wants to wait and see how other plants work out. He’s out. Kevin thinks the business model is flawed. Ethan explains the relationship with the parent company, but he thinks there needs to be a national strategy. Daymond thinks it’s too early, he’s out. Lori likes the idea but wants a national deal, she’s out. Kevin is too.

Robert wishes he could go for a test drive, but he’s still interested. He thinks once they are successful in Hawaii, there will be a lot of interest in the rest of the country. He offers $5 million contingent on making a deal for the rights to the entire US market. They accept the deal for $5 million for 50% of Zero Pollution Motors contingent on getting rights to all of the US.

Zero Pollution Motors Shark Tank Update

The Shark Tank Blog constantly provides updates and follow-ups about entrepreneurs who have appeared on the Shark Tank TV show. The deal with Robert never closed. In September, 2018, this appeared on the company Facebook Page:

We are pleased to announce that the first factory built AirPods should be rolling out by November at MDI in Nice, France.
Once we have a car, we will be opening an online equity IPO with StartEngine to raise $1.5M for the first US Airpod plant. Once we have raised this amount, federal state and local funds kick in, allowing us to begin manufacturing. More details to follow.

As of November, 2023, the website is still taking orders. Social media has not been updated since September, 2018.

Zero Pollution Motors on Shark Tank Blog

Air Pod Compressed Air Car

Zero Pollution Motors Company Information





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Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.

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  1. Zhani V Doko says

    Ok anyone who has ever studied elementary chemistry and physics would have recognized this as a complete scam right from the very start. Compressed air takes significantly more energy to compress than it does to charge the battery It can’t be green because by simple thermodynamics, it takes more energy to the input of compressing the air than in the output of work propulsion. Using the lightest snd most advanced materials to make up for the fraudulent claim that it’s actually green.

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