The Guzzle Buddy was “invented” because of a TV show. Creators Jennifer Jo Sullivan and Randy Rothfus were watching an episode of Cougar Town that featured a product called “Guzzle Buddy.” The product was fictitious, as Jennifer found out while looking for it online. When she didn’t find it, she went out and trademarked the name, plus some other phrases: “Plug it and Chug it,” “Wine wrist,” and others. Then they sourced a manufacturer and started selling.
Guzzle Buddy was an instant viral hit and became THE wine lover’s novelty gift of 2016. People who saw the show were in on the gag, but people who didn’t loved it too. Essentially, the Guzzle Buddy is a wine glass, sans stem, that corks into a bottle of wine, turning the entire bottle into a wine glass. It’s a bit more dignified than chugging wine straight out of the glass, but not much.
They added a beer version with a pilsner glass for beer bottles. Each sells for $25 and they sold A LOT. people went crazy for the product for its sheer novelty. They’re hoping a Shark wants to chug along with them and invest in episode 917. Here’s the Cougar Town clip:
My Take on Guzzle Buddy
I like wine, usually just a glass or two with dinner though. I rarely drink an entire bottle myself. If I want to put a buzz on, I’ll opt for martinis or beer (* 2021 update – I switched to bourbon) – depending on the setting. While a vodka themed Guzzle Buddy could prove lethal, the Beer Buddy is more up my alley.
This is something I would buy for my wine loving friends (of which there are many) as a gag gift. I can’t see anyone wasting a good bottle of wine drinking it this way, but for a bargain Chardonnay, it could be fun. I won’t buy one for myself, but my wine loving friends might see one under the Christmas Tree next year!
Will Sharks Want to Partner With These Winos?
I love when wine products come on Shark Tank because Mr. Wonderful invariably imparts about his membership in the Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin. It’s funny when Daymond busts his chops about it, too. That said, O’Leary is the first Shark out on this because, while it is amusing, it will offend his wine-lover’s sensibilities.
They may have problems with the other Sharks, too. Sullivan essentially stole the idea from Cougar Town. I don’t disagree or disapprove of the move, it was shrewd genius. The Sharks might be concerned with litigation. Cougar Town’s writers came up with the idea and they can prove they did before Sullivan copyrighted everything. They could come looking for some serious cash for infringement (if they haven’t done so already).
That could frighten the Sharks away. I expect this pitch will be amusing, but I don’t expect a deal. There’s going to be a run on Guzzle Buddies though!

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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