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Jared Joyce Pumps Up Appearance

Jared Joyce Inventor who appears on Shark TankJared Joyce is pumped up, confident and strutting his stuff for his upcoming appearance on Shark Tank. Let’s hope he’s all that, because if he’s not, well let’s just see what happens. I don’t even know what he does as of this moment, but I’m entertained by him so far.

Off to the Jared Joyce website where I’m going to learn more about this confident inventor. He’s running a live streaming party on his website during the Shark Tank show. Let’s hope he’s got enough bandwidth lined up to handle this party or it could end up in a big crash sensation!

He’s pitching his self-professed ability to design products and inventions for you on his website. He’s backing it up with testimonials to his abilities and creativity, even people saying he has developed business skills over the years making him a unique individual, but I still have yet to see what Jared Joyce is pitching to the Sharks. I’m intrigued and am keeping on going through the website as I write this post.

As I’m reading his biography I quickly assess that Jared Joyce made a unique discovery, one that I try to share with other Entrepreneurs when discussing how investors invest. They do it first on emotion and sometimes only on emotion. He points out that people buy products based on emotion and not necessarily need as witnessed while he worked at Bed, Bath and Beyond.  That’s great perception Jared.

Now I know where this is going, but I still haven’t seen the product he is about to pitch. Something tells me that he’s going to keep the Sharks engaged and he might just walk out with a spectacular deal.

In another blog post, I wrote about Dave Greco, the self-professed, Salespreneur on my personal blog. Dave should be watching this pitch because it seems so far that Jared Joyce would kick Dave Grecco’s axx in a sales contest head to head, but what I know, that’s why I blog, and Dave Grecco does what he does! (Read comments on my personal blog to get the last comment.)

So it’s obvious, Jared Joyce has got the no-tools-required furniture system. I’m going to cut off this post right here and make a bet that this guy is about to score a deal without even seeing his product.

Am I right? What do you think?


  1. For sure, just as Apple has always worked our emotions so as to win our business, other manufacturers need to come to understand this tactic.

  2. Tom Laing (@tomlaing) says

    Thanks for sharing Kirk

  3. last Baby Boomer says

    I agree 100% that at the start investors invest on emotion. If they connect with you and your team you are 60% there. Have a great idea that they can understand and you have your first round of funding. Beyond that when the real money is on the table you will need sold research and be able to show the investor where you will be in 5 years and whats their out plan.

  4. Anne Thomas says

    I’m betting you are right

  5. If he was asking me for money to invest, I would just laugh at him and tell him to come at me with some specs and not just his BS run-around that might have worked on fifth graders, but has no place when trying to pitcha new idea. I want to know where he plans to go and how he plans to get there. If he plans to use my money to get there, then I better like the road he plans to take. I can see a comedy show on the tele any time.

  6. I just watched his short promo. He is definitely ready for sales attack. Yet, without additional info, I could not access ability to design. Best wishes.

  7. Jason flaugh says

    If you have a great mask, you are golden. Very few, sadly, take the time to see what is on the inside in all its complexity.

  8. Hmmm…..a no-tools-required furniture system. Sounds a bit shady there.

    BTW – shared on all networks.

  9. I will weigh in on this -and a few others- tomorrow. Grecco was an ass with a recycled product that no truly professional salesperson could take seriously. There is NO APP that can close the deal.

    This guy, if he has a decent product and can channel his personality in a more positive and productive manner than Mr. Grecco, will have a shot.

    Stay tuned…….

  10. Patrick Benadum says

    Jared has already invented successful products and I have never seen anyone so dedicated with Inventing as Jared Joyce. Best of luck to him, because he deserves to get funded for his genius ideas!

    Patrick Benadum

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