“Champion snorer” Andre Machalak created Somni Fix mouth tape strips to keep himself from snoring and keeping his wife up at night. He patented the product and enlisted his son Nicholas to help him market it. Somni Fix is a patented, anti-snoring tape/strip that basically tapes your mouth shut while you sleep. This opens up the nasal passage, forcing you to breathe through your nose.
When you sleep, if you breathe through your mouth too much, the tongue can block your airway which causes you to snore. Too much mouth breathing leads to dry mouth in the morning too. SomniFix is a single-use product and costs $18 for a pack of 28 strips. People with CPAP machines can use it too.
The strips themselves are hypoallergenic and slip off easily. There’s a vent in the middle of the strip so you aren’t completely “taped shut.” All the strips and the packaging they come in are 100% recyclable. Nicholas and Andre sold many SomniFix Strips on Amazon, but they probably want a Shark’s help getting into national drug store chains. Will the Sharks like this snoring prevention solution?
My Take on Somni Fix
My wife tells me I snore really loud. She can saw some wood herself, too. When I showed her the Somni Fix strips, she asked if she could apply the tape on my mouth while I was awake, too! It seems like a very simple solution to a problem. I must mouth breathe while asleep because I often wake up with a very dry mouth.
I’m willing to try these and if they work, my wife will want a lifetime supply! I’ll make sure she wears one too. If they work, I can see having a box by our bedside in the future. I am in.
Will Sharks Want To End Snoring?
This is a universal appeal kind of product. Every Shark either snores themselves or sleeps with someone who does – it’s inevitable. Since it has such universal appeal, I can see multiple Sharks bidding. Back in season two, Mark, Daymond and Kevin bid $750,000, for 30% of the company, and a 15% perpetual royalty for First Defense Nasal Screens. That company sells a small screen to insert in your nose to keep out dirt, dust and allergens. While SomniFix is different, it still falls into the “disposable” category.
I can see any one of the Sharks, or a combination of Sharks teaming up and bidding on this. Lori could like it and think it fits into her QVC style of products. Mark, Kevin and Daymond may remember how successful Fist Defense was (it made millions) and decide to bid. I believe Nicholas will field several offers and accept the best one. Watch for a deal on this one.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
And when I went to your link to find the product, there was another one featured on the “frequently purchased with” suggestion. Upon taking a look, I found a different tape product that totally plagiarized the Somnifix copy. Right down to a non-existent central mouth vent that Somnifix has and they don’t. Shameful! smh