Hillary Novelle Hahn knew about style long before she started The Style Club. She was a singer, fashion commentator, and social media influencer. When she started her business in 2014, she aimed straight at the market she understood best: teen girls. Now she wants a Shark to help her expand – she’ll pitch the panel in episode 808.
Basically, Style Club partners with celebrities that are relevant to teenage girls and creates fashion collections based on their look. A lot of the fashions revolve around custom jeans and tee shirts, but a recent partnership with actress and singer Kelli Berglund features skirts, dresses, and jackets too.
Hahn says she understands teens and what they want. She ought to, she toured with Destiny’s Child and Christina Aguilera when she was just 12 years old. Part of her strategy is she wants to travel around the country to meet with teenage girls, thus keeping her finger on the pulse of her market. What she wants from a Shark partnership remains to be seen, but their celebrity could only help the brand grow.
My Take on the Style Club
For the first time in 13 years, I do NOT have a teenage girl under my roof (that changes in one year). I love my daughters with all my heart, but if I said I understand their fashion tastes, I’d be lying. What I do know is girls want a unique look, without the absence of conformity. I know it’s a contradictory statement, but that’s my observation as a father.
That said, I NEVER buy clothes for my girls – unless it’s a souvenir tee-shirt or some similar item. If I know they want to go shopping for clothes, I’ll give them cash for birthday presents. I showed the Style Club to my 12-year-old daughter and she proclaimed the clothing was “COOL!” She’s a Kelli Berglund and Disney Channel fan. I find the shows on Disney pretty stupid, but they’re not for 50-year-old men, they’re for my 12-year-old daughter.
Hahn understands what my daughter wants and that’s her strong suit. She uses social media to reach that audience very effectively. If she turns that understanding into a brand and products that sell – which she’s done well so far – she’ll be a big player in the fashion industry. For that reason, I am in.
Do Sharks Have Style?
People always assume Daymond is the target Shark when a fashion brand pitches in the Tank. He’s invested in some fashion brands, but other Sharks have, too. What Hahn needs is a solid business plan behind the fashion and a good value proposition. The celebrity angle will help her credibility, too.
If she is as smart in the Tank as she is with her branding, she should field at least one offer.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
Hilary is a fraud and Mark Cuban got in big trouble. Read this:
Read your article. The investment isn’t listed on Cuban’s website, so it is very possible the deal died in due diligence (two thirds of on air deals never close).