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Questions Entrepreneurs Should Ask Themselves


Jeff Larson has some questions for you, the entrepreneur. He  is the CEO of Glass Shiners, LLC. The “Glass Shiner” is an innovative bar or home wine glass polishing system designed to improve the users’ ability to have a spot free wine glass. Jeff sent in this Guest Post.

The process of taking an idea to production and seeing if it has merit is an extremely long and tedious one. First you have to answer the following:


Can it be manufactured?

Are the cost parameters in check?

Is it patentable?

Is there an existing patent already?

Is there a need?

Can it be profitable?

Is there something better out there (meaning competition)?

If all these things are answered to the individual’s satisfaction, the next questions are how much is this going to cost?  How many people and or corporations will need to be  involved in order to make this materialize? In my case, I used a product development group.

When developing a new product, the people you want closest to you are your attorneys and your engineers. This helps make sure everything goes as planned – and most of the time they do not. Be flexible in your pursuits keeping in mind that the ultimate goal is to bring your product to market. In my case I bent over backwards in order to keep everyone happy. Surround yourself with people who share your dream.

The amount of sacrifice is huge, do not be fooled. With my product, I already had buyers lined up and it still has been difficult. The amount of time, effort, and stress involved is larger than any one person can anticipate, so go into it with the attitude that you don’t have all the answers and be willing to take advice from people who have been there and done that, most of the time they are right on the money.

Partner with Your Partner

As I sit here and type this I still find it difficult to believe it has been so long ago that I started. I believe in my product, I know there is a massive need and if you have the same strong desire as I have, you can get there. I would give this additional advice: check with your family and make sure they are with you because without your spouse at your side, what good is all the money in the world. My wife has been with me and is incredibly supportive. The Glass Shiner is something she believes in as well and without her I still would have gone the distance but with her it has made us even stronger.

More Advice

Don’t quit,

Don’t give up,

Expect others not to share your vision,


when the wind gets knocked out of you, pick yourself up and keep going!

I believe American Innovation still exists!

Jeff Larson

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