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Sparketh – Online Art Classes

online art classesDwayne Walker didn’t have online art classes as a kid. In fact, he didn’t have art classes at all; his parents couldn’t afford them. Still, he managed to teach himself and win many art contests on a local, statewide, national and international level. Even though he was able to master his talent, he felt professional instruction would have made him a better artist. He also knew a lot of other kids with their own passions and talents who lacked the funds to pursue improving their talents. He thought he could change the world if he could somehow solve this problem and that’s why he started Sparketh.

Enter Tim Samuel, video editing whiz kid and self described “World’s Most Creative Man.” He and Dwayne began working on the concept for Sparketh in 2014 when they were 12 and 14 respectively. Their goal was to create a library of online art courses that could be delivered virtually and affordably. They also have baking courses and plan on adding other disciplines like dance and music. There are currently over 1000 courses in their “library.” Kids also have the option of one on one mentoring from the Sparketh artists at no extra charge.

You can try it free for 30 days. After that, it’s $25 per month or $250 per year. They offer special pricing for schools who want an art curriculum but may not have the budget. Even though the business has been around a few years, a (not so) funny thing happened in 2020: the Covid-19 pandemic. This caused interest in their platform to soar as people were stuck at home due to government ordered lockdowns. The result was a lot of parents signed their kids up for art classes online. Such rapid growth is good, but it can also create problems, the kind a Shark can help solve.

My Take on Sparketh Online Art Classes

One of my daughters is a very talented artist. Her talent is really a gift and we encouraged it when she was growing up. Back then, there was no such thin as online art classes, so every summer, she went to art camp and she did weekend classes at a local art school. My parents, her siblings and my wife and I all have some of her work. She makes jewelry, welds, paints, draws and does just about any kind of art medium will an amazing flair. Currently, she’s studying for a marketing MBA so she can market her art and make it a profession. She could probably teach for Sparketh.

As for Sparketh’s concept, I believe these kinds of “schools” are the future of education. The Covid-19 pandemic showed us that remote learning is possible. Unfortunately, for a lot of kids, it was not done well. Companies and educators who can make any kind of education masterfully delivered virtually will thrive in the future. With the deteriorating state of public education, many parents will flock to these kinds of solutions. I am IN.

Do Sharks Like This Art?

I think the Sharks will be impressed by the Sparketh guys. What they’ve accomplished at such a young age is remarkable. If they have a reasonable valuation, I see some bids coming in from Mark and/or Kevin.

About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.

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