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Swipe n Snap – Diaper Cream Applicator

Swipe n SnapSwipe n Snap inventor Alina Kravchenko created her invention to keep her son safe. When he was in diapers, she was always afraid of letting go of him while he was on the changing table. She knew this was a problem for many parents, so she set out to solve it. Since she was little, she wanted to invent things and invent she did.

While pregnant with her son, Alina was all alone. She worked several jobs to keep things together, but she never lost sight of her dream to become an inventor. Through her grit and spirituality, she kept on going. One night, the idea for Swipe n Snap came to her and she knew she had to patent it. Since she didn’t have a lot of money lying around, she did it herself. The process took five years and now, she has her product.

The SwipenSnap is an attachment that fits onto most diaper rash cream tubes. It fastens with a suction cup and the applicator has a slit in it that lets you “paint” the cream on with one hand. This lets you keep another hand on the baby, making for a safer diaper change. She has other inventions in the works, too, including a patented dumb bell for body toning. Alina is hoping a Shark can super charge her sales. Will a Shark want to spread the wealth?

My Take on Swipe n Snap

My diaper changing days are over for now, but I remember dealing with squirmy babies on changing tables. This item would have come in handy. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best ones. I’m wondering if she could license the product directly to diaper cream manufacturers so it comes incorporated into every tube.

Either way, for 20 bucks, it’s a smart purchase. ANYTHING that makes parenting an infant easier is sure to be a successful product. If you have a baby, hop on over to Amazon and grab one of these. I am IN.

Will Sharks Snap Up a Deal?

The Sharks are going to love Alina’s story. They’ll like her determination and how she got to where she is today. The invention should impress them, too. Mr. Wonderful is a big fan of strong woman run businesses, so I expect a royalty type offer from him. This is up Lori’s alley too, so I’d expect an offer from her.

As for the other three Sharks, they may of may not bid. I expect this to be a heartwarming pitch and I expect a deal.

About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.

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