Max Kislevitz and Natalie Holloway, husband and wife yoga enthusiasts and instructors, created Bala Bangles to put a better aesthetic on wrist and ankle weights. Adding weight to your wrists and ankles while doing yoga (or any exercise) has advantages: you get a little bit more muscle workout.
Wrist and ankle weights are nothing new – they’ve been around for years – but they don’t look sexy. They can also be cumbersome and uncomfortable. Bala Bangles look like oversized jewelry. They come in bright colors and the design allows for mobility and comfort while working out. Yoga particularly requires a lot of hand mobility and the no-slip, elastic bands on Bala Bangles assures a snug fit without restricting movement.
The couple came up with the idea for Bala while on a six month break in Asia. Bala literally means “strength” in sanskrit and they wanted their idea to reflect that. The bangles are iron bars covered with medical grade silicon. They first designed prototypes while in Asia and raised $50,448 on Kickstarter in early 2018 to get their first production run going. There were some issues with manufacturing overseas, but the couple worked through them and delivered to their backers.
Now, they sell Bala on Amazon and on their own website. They also have product for sale in hundreds of yoga studios and in some Nordstrom stores. Apparently, they’re THE yoga accessory in New York City. A set of one pound weights cost $9 and the two pound version is $65. In addition to yoga, the couple likes dogs. They occasionally do limited edition bangles and donate the proceeds to rescue dog organizations in New York. When they pitch their business in Shark tank episode 1113, they want to get a Shark to help them with manufacturing and distribution.
My Take on Bala Bangles
I have a set of ankle/wrist weights. They’re two pounds each and it feels like they’re filled with sand. I wear them when I walk my dog and sometimes when I go fishing. While they aren’t uncomfortable, they aren’t very fashionable and they do restrict hand movement when I wear them on my wrists. The weights do make a difference and definitely add an extra fitness dimension to my walks.
I’d probably get a pair of Balas if I were in the market for such a thing. They seem well made and they look better than my utilitarian set of weights. I can see why the yoga crowd likes them, both for the mobility and the fashion aspects. I have to say, I’m in.
Will Sharks Wear Bangles?
Fitness products are hit or miss in the Tank. Max and Natalie need to have a good value proposition for the Sharks if they want to get a deal. One objection they’ll face is what they sell is nothing new, it’s just a new spin on an old idea. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Innovation and improving upon old ideas makes for good business, they just better be able to explain how Bala does it.
If there’s value, I can see any one of the Sharks bidding on this. Mark likes “healthy” businesses that have a good online presence. Daymond may like the fashion aspect of it. Mr. Wonderful, who’s bid on many more businesses this season than in the past, may take a flyer. Maria Sharapova is a bit of an unknown, but tennis players do use wrist weights while practicing as part of their training regimen. Maria could add value if she feels they’re more comfortable than traditional weights. Lori has several businesses that revolve around silicon products, so she may find a fit within her portfolio.
I’m predicting Bala leaves the Tank with a deal, I’m just not sure which Shark ponies up.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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