Elyce Billany invented Byoot bathing suits after wrangling with a wet one piece bathing suit in a dirty Jamaican bathroom. She wanted an easier way to remove her suit and as soon as she got back from that vacation, she got to work on designs. She didn’t let the fact that she had no experience designing clothes bother her, she just went ahead and did it. Of course she enlisted the help of a New York based designer and swimsuit manufacturer to help her. That’s how Byoot was born.
The bating suits look like one piece bathing suits, but there’s a secret. There are buttons on the back that, when unbuttoned, allow the bottom of the suit to flap open. It’s like a onesy but with the buttons in back. This makes it a lot easier to use the restroom when you’re wearing that wet one piece bathing suit. She makes them in the USA and they’ll cost around 80 bucks.
Elyce and her husband, Nathan, got the business going with a Kickstarter campaign that raised $30,000 back in August, 2018. They delivered those orders and have been selling bathing suits from their website since then. Elyce also wrote a children’s book about her entrepreneurial journey. Now, she wants to add a Shark to her story. Will a Shark want to swim in these bathing suits.
My Take on Byoot Suits
My wife has both one piece suits and bikinis. I personally prefer bikinis – she has a blue one I just love. I’d say she wears more one piece suits, especially if we’re at the beach or out boating. As for the bathroom issues, she usually pees in the ocean. If we’re poolside, she’s more likely to wear a bikini due to the removability issue.
I showed my wife Byoot suits and she liked them. She said the next time she needs a new suit, she’s going to get one. She thought the pricing was reasonable too, as long as it’s quality materials. It looks like we’ll have a Byoot in our house before long!
Do Sharks Suit Up?
I’m pretty sure Elyce and Nathan get a deal. In this press photo released by ABC they look pretty happy. It’s a shot from backstage and it looks like they’re celebrating – almost like they did a deal with a Shark. People are usually not going to celebrate backstage unless they get a deal.
So that begs the question: which Shark invests? The obvious Shark would be Kendra Scott. Fashion is where she made her billion dollar fortune, so she’d be perfect for Byoot. She’s also shown looking at the suits with some interest in another press photo. I don’t think Mark or Kevin would bid on this, but you never know. I am sure they get a deal, I’m just not sure with which Shark.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
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