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Four Steps to Reach your Audience Using Google Plus

google plus Picture this:

As an entrepreneur, you walk into a building full of large conference rooms, each full of people. The individuals have chosen a conference room based on their interests. Each room is full of people with similar questions and similar needs for solutions.

You are handed a transcript, which shows you the conversations taking place before you enter the room – showing you exactly what issues and needs have come up in conversation in each conference room. You are able to take the time to scan this transcript before entering the room, to determine how to best enter the conversation.

You pick one room to enter, and are given the opportunity to build relationships with these individuals either one-on-one, or in a small group. There is little need for small talk, as you and the others are there to discuss their interests and possible solutions. Individuals are able to glance at your name tag, and see not only your name, but a description of your business, pictures of your products, testimonials from other users, etc. They can observe from a distance or engage in conversation with you.

Would you feel more prepared and confident in your ability to successfully present your product or solution in this scenario?

You have this opportunity with Google Plus

Social Media platforms like Facebook have given people a great chance to build on existing relationships. Google Plus was built with a different purpose in mind — to gather like-minded individuals and allow users to segment their lists based on common interests with other users.

See the potential there?

Here are Four Steps you should be doing to find and connect with your potential audience on Google Plus:

 1. Get Ready

Properly set up your Google Plus page and connect it to your personal account. Use a profile photo that will help with brand recognition, an engaging photo for your cover image. Provide an accurate description and details. Populate your page with content that will inform, educate, or entertain. If you have a physical product, provide pictures and details. Tell the history of the business, the story behind the product. This way, you’re prepared for the individuals who want to know more about your company once you do step into the conversation.

2. Set

Find and join Google Plus Communities that are dedicated to topics that relate to your business by going to and searching for keywords related to your topic. If the communities are open, join. Do not spam these communities with an announcement about you – but enter into the conversation. “Listen” for a while by reading the comments of community members. Add value to the conversation by answering questions or offering up compliments. Ask questions. If you like what you see, give it a +1.

3. Go

When you feel prepared to reach out, post about your product, business, or solution. Share unique content that leads people back to your website or Google Plus business page. Plan a hangout (like The Shark Tank Hang), which is a live chat with the option to do video for up to ten people. Set up a “help-out” where you can be reached via video to help with a specific problem.

4. Cross the Finish Line

Segment your audience into circles.  Google Plus allows you to create various Circles – each with their own purpose. For example, you could create one Circle for existing customers, and another for potential customers. These can be further grouped by interest or community. When you share a piece of content, you are able to choose which Circles will see the content. Create and share content specifically designed to reach out to each individual circle.

Take the opportunity and enter in the building full of conference rooms with targeted customers. Get Ready, Set, Go, and Cross the Finish Line. Please let us know as you find ways to utilize the many ways Google Plus provides to reach your audience.

This Guest Post was written by Ashley B. Coombe,  a Social Media Strategist. She loves to discuss Social Media and lends her expertise for a variety of blogs and publications, including You can find her on her Google + Page or on Twitter at @AshleyBCoombe

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