Anyone who was ever a kid has probably made pillow forts. You know the kind: you take some couch cushions and stack them up, maybe even put a sheet on top for the “roof.” The problem with those is they aren’t very stable. Conor Lewis saw that as a solvable problem when he was observing […]
Scott Jordan Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot

Scott Jordan appeared in season three of Shark Tank in what was, at the time, the highest watched Shark Tank episode to date. It was a wild and entertaining episode. He refused to say the name of his business – ScottEvest – because if he did the producers would have a claim on 5 percent […]
Four Steps to Reach your Audience Using Google Plus

Picture this: As an entrepreneur, you walk into a building full of large conference rooms, each full of people. The individuals have chosen a conference room based on their interests. Each room is full of people with similar questions and similar needs for solutions. You are handed a transcript, which shows you the conversations taking […]

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving from the Shark Tank Blog. Rob MerlinoEntrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, […]
Keep Clean this Winter

This post brought to you by North American Property Services. All opinions are 100% mine. After Better Life got a deal with Lori Grenier last week, I started fishing around my cabinets for cleaning supplies just to get an idea of what we had in our house. When they demonstrated on Shark Tank that their […]
Slawsa relishes opportunity to pitch in the “Shark Tank”

I’m no stranger to Slawsa, or many other relishes and condiments for that matter, so when I got the news that an old Hot Dog Stories fan and supporter was going on Shark Tank, I was pretty excited! Julie Busha, who pitches her Slawsa in to the Sharks on November 15, sent me over this […]
How to contact that Shark Tank Company who just aired on Shark Tank

I communicate with A LOT of Shark Tank entrepreneurs, some on a near daily basis through social media. I’m always asking them to do guest posts because I think they provide a unique perspective on the show – plus I like not having to write stuff every day! I asked a bunch of Shark Tank […]
NFL Stars Like Storm Stoppers

NFL Stars appeared on Shark Tank in the past. Look at Brandon Jacobs who pitched PRO-NRG in season 4. If John Smith had his way, he’d have former NFL Stars and quarterbacks throwing footballs at his Storm Stopper, the Plywood Alternative Hurricane Window Protection – a rigid, corrugated, lightweight but heavy-duty material designed to protect […]
3 Tips for Settling Debates on What to Watch With Your Spouse

This is a Guest Post written by Jessica Heisler, a relationship expert. She likes helping couples resolve their differences by writing for relationship blogs. She also likes watching Shark Tank. Because not everyone enjoys watching the same shows, watching television together as a couple can be a difficult task. If both people are especially set […]
Small Businesses Do It Better Tuesday, March 26

Carissa Dunphy, the hostess with the mostest of the Small Businesses Do it Better show has invited me back on Tuesday, March 26 to co-host with her as we interview Rebecca Rescate. Rebecca made Shark Tank history as the only entrepreneur to appear on the show a second time with a new product, the Hoodie […]
Stella And Dot Business Opportunity

Stella and Dot is jewelry and accessories business that offers entrepreneurial woman the opportunity to start their own business out of their home, without a big investment. If you wish you could be like the many successful women entrepreneurs seen on Shark Tank, but you aren’t interested in inventing a product, perhaps Stella and Dot […]
Ketchup on a Hot Dog & Entrepreneurs

I’ve always had a thing about putting ketchup on a hot dog. It just seems so unnatural to me. Don’t get me wrong, I like ketchup. I put ketchup on fries and sometimes eggs, but I NEVER put ketchup on a hot dog! Like the folks who appear on Shark Tank, I am an entrepreneur. […]
Apply to Shark Tank: Now Casting Season 5

Shark Tank is accepting applications and casting season 5. If you ever want to be on the show, you need to apply to Shark Tank. We have some information on how to do that on the Shark Tank Auditions & Casting page. Lots of people want to know how they can get on Shark Tank. There […]
LifeKeep Keeps Your Online Life Secure

This post brought to you by BuzzParadise. All opinions are 100% mine. LifeKeep is a new service I was introduced to that could drastically change the way people store their digital files and interact online. It’s a private, cloud based network that enables users to store data, photos, documents, and digital files of all kinds […]
M3 Girl Designs Trademark Lawsuits

This is a guest post by Karen Dudnikov who co-authors Tabberone’s Trademark and Copyright Abusers Hall of Shame. The opinions are Karen’s and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the SharkTankBlog, its editors, or authors. Trademark Lawsuits History First, we have to tell you where we sit before we tell you where we stand […]
Be On Shark Tank but Beware Casting Scams

Considering all the people who want to be on Shark Tank, a casting scam is bound to happen, especially with a show as popular as Shark Tank on ABC. Last spring, over 40,000 businesses applied to be on Shark Tank, whether they sent an email or appeared at one of the official open casting calls. […]
Slawsa Success is More than Flavor

The Slawsa success story is an interesting one. Slawsa is a new condiment that hit store shelves in a big way over the past year. It’s a combination of cole slaw, salsa, and mustard that’s great on hot dogs, brats, sausages, burgers, even eggs! Once you try it, you’ll think Slawsa is “Slawesome!” This […]
Hot Dog Toppings for a New York Shark

Hot Dog Toppings may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Shark Tank, but I get a kick out of asking the people I interview for this site THE QUESTION: “Do you put ketchup on your hot dogs?” When I got the chance to head over to Babson College for […]
Marijuana a New Entrepreneurial Frontier?

Marijuana was recently voted legal for recreational use in Washington State and Colorado. While regulatory issues still need to be ironed out, rest assured there are many marijuana entrepreneurs waiting in the wings to see how distribution will be handled on a state or even national level. There are literally billions of dollars to be made […]
Pro Wrestling is Like Shark Tank

Guest Post by Eric Gargiulo, Author of The Camel Clutch Blog. It is no accident that Shark Tank has become my favorite show on television. The show mixes elements from business and pro wrestling to create one of the most unique blends of capitalism and sports entertainment that I have ever seen. The only things […]
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer forces Holiday Re-Run

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer isn’t a character you’d associate with Shark Tank, but the iconic Holiday Special featuring everyone’s favorite misfit reindeer trounced the Shark Tank Holiday special by 3.3 million viewers last week. Since “only” 6.8 million viewers saw Shark Tank on December 4, a drop of around 11% from Friday night numbers, […]
Warrants Secure Funding – The Coop

Jevon, contacted us, asking about Warrants, a debt instrument used to secure a deal on Shark Tank. Warrants were used to secure funding from Barbara Corcoran extended to The Coop on Shark Tank Episode 409. Barbara makes a loan to The Coop for $150,000. The Coop repays the loan in two years and extends Barbara […]
ABC Shuffles Schedule, AGAIN

The schedule has changed again! ABC originally had episode 303 on the schedule for Friday, December 4, but they have moved episode 402, the season 4 premier, into that time slot. To top that off, ABC is going to re-run the Shark Tank “Holiday Special,” which aired December 4, again on Friday December 14. Re-runs […]
Tuesday Time Slot a permanent move?

Tuesday, December 4, a “Holiday Themed” Shark Tank will air at 8 PM eastern time. Friday nights (and occasionally Sunday evenings) have been Shark Tank’s home, but that could be changing after the New Year. ABC has filled the Friday night-time slots leading into Christmas with re-runs. The only as yet announced new episode is […]
Maine Bank Goes Online with ableBanking

This post brought to you by ableBanking. All opinions are 100% mine. Internet bank ableBanking is the online division of Northeast Bank, a Maine institution since 1872. Banks aren’t new, but banking itself is taking on a new way of doing business in the increasingly online economy and ableBanking is leading the charge. Financial transactions are […]