Shark Tank is accepting applications and casting season 5. If you ever want to be on the show, you need to apply to Shark Tank. We have some information on how to do that on the Shark Tank Auditions & Casting page.
Lots of people want to know how they can get on Shark Tank. There is a process to follow, but there are a few other things to consider if you want to be on Shark Tank.
How to Apply to Shark Tank
Many Shark Tank entrepreneurs are recruited directly by the producers. They find compelling or off beat businesses and approach them about being on the show. This practice has increased in season four. Another way to be on Shark Tank is to apply through the ABC/Shark Tank website. Basically, you send an email describing your business (full instructions are on the site); if they like your idea, they’ll call you back and ask you some questions. If you make that cut, they’ll ask you to send a short video. The next step is being invited to LA to tape. They also hold open casting calls, but not many make it to the show via that route.
Even if you tape a segment, there is still no guarantee you will get on Shark Tank. They don’t use every segment they tape. Even people who get a deal don’t know when or if they will air. Businesses get an air date 2-3 weeks in advance to plan marketing, prepare their websites etc.
Things to Consider when you Apply to Shark Tank
When you apply to Shark Tank, you should make sure your business has these things: some sales, a product that serves a purpose, and entertainment value. The last item is the most important. The producers want entertaining entrepreneurs with a compelling story to tell. The more interesting you and your story are, the better chance you have to be on Shark Tank.
This website is becoming a good resource for fans and for people who want to apply to Shark Tank. Read through the entrepreneurs’ interviews to get a sense of what they went through. Many of the people I interview for this site tell me they read through everything to get a sense of what to expect. If you have questions, I’ll do my best to answer them. Subscribing to our mailing list will also give you the first look at the newest, most exciting information available (plus a few goodies nobody else sees).
Good luck when you apply to Shark Tank!

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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