Plug Hub isn’t the product Jared Joyce presented to the Sharks in episode 302 which re-runs this Friday, November 30. Jared originally pitched his Five Minute Furniture in a very entertaining pitch that featured one of the funniest entrepreneur quotes from season three: “You guys want to get married, I’m saying, ‘buy me a drink first!'” The lifelong inventor and entrepreneur was one of the first Shark Tank entrepreneurs to effectively use social media in conjunction with his appearance. Even though he left the Shark Tank without a deal, Jared hasn’t let that slow him down. He’s brought other products to market, like the Plug Hub, and continues to develop his Five Minute Furniture with Edison Nation. I caught up with Jared to get an update on his progress and life after Shark Tank.
Five Minute Furniture Progress
I spoke to Jared at 8 AM in the morning, but he confessed to being awake since 5:30 AM; he had four morning meetings prior to our call. It just goes to show how busy the life of an entrepreneur can be. Jared continues his work on Five Minute Furniture with Edison Nation to this day. When I spoke to him last spring, he was still exploring manufacturing options. He’s currently operating under a non disclosure agreement with Edison Nation with regards to Five Minute Furniture, so he told me what he could. “We’ve been working extensively with Edison Nation and there are a few potential opportunities moving forward, other than that, I really can’t say too much.” If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Jared was running for political office!
Jared has an extensive stable of inventions he has successfully brought to market. He was eager to talk about the Plug Hub, a product he developed with Quirky that is selling well on Amazon and other shopping sites. “Plug Hub is selling well going into the Holiday Season. It’s a product that people instantly ‘get’ because everyone has a power strip. He claims his Shark Tank appearance has helped him sell Plug Hub and get development deals for other products, “After Shark Tank, I was able to go straight to the top with Direct Response marketers and TV companies. The Shark Tank appearance and my TedX talk had a cumulative effect.”
Jared Joyce on Plug Hub and post Shark Tank activity
One of the cumulative effects of Jared’s Shark Tank exposure was an opportunity to host Invention USA on the History Channel. “It was a big opportunity to get on that show. History Channel has a lot of credibility. I ended up spending about three months exploring that opportunity, but I didn’t make the final cut. Since then, my work load has taken me offline and behind the scenes doing more deals working directly with the decision makers. It’s been fun and exciting.”
Episode 302 re-ran this summer, so this is the third time Shark Tank fans will see Jared’s pitch. Like most entrepreneurs who appear, he saw a huge spike to his web traffic on show night. “I’ve talked to other entrepreneurs whose segments had re-runs and the general consensus is traffic is cut in half. This is our third re-run, so I don’t know what to expect.”
In a parting plug for Plug Hub, Jared said, “Just in time for Christmas – everyone has at least one power strip and if you want to Conquer Your Cord Chaos and Rid The Rat’s Nest then Jared’s Plug Hub is the answer for you and is now shipping!”
Suffice to say, we’ll be hearing more about Five Minute Furniture, Plug Hub, and Jared Joyce in the months and years to come.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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