Remyxx, founded by entrepreneur Gary Gagnon, brings a line of sneakers made from 100% recycled materials into the Shark Tank on Friday for the season three finale. Remyxx calls its footwear “Sneakers with a purpose” and they are targeting the Green Market. The sneaks are made from a “special blend of lab certified, recyclable materials.”
The green concept is easy to embrace, especially for something as ubiquitous as sneakers. In a world where resources are being wasted and diminished, the increased awareness of using sustainable, or in this case recycled, resources has mass appeal. The sneakers themselves appear attractive, though they look like casual sneakers- not the cross trainer variety. Remyxx is in pre-launch right now, so the only place you can purchase them is from their KickStarter Campaign. The company is trying to raise $39,697 on KickStarter and is only about 20% of the way there.
The fact Remyxx is so heavily promoting on KickStarter so close to their air date leads me to believe no deal gets done on Friday’s show. It would appear that Gary Gagnon is maximizing his company’s exposure on Shark Tank as a vehicle to get funded on their own. Time after time this season we have seen examples of businesses that do not get funded in the Shark Tank, yet they go on to great success and millions in sales. Having a good product to begin with is important, but just appearing on Shark Tank can accelerate a business if they are prepared for the onslaught of interest, however fleeting it may be.
While other entrepreneurs have used KickStarter Campaigns, Remyxx is the first to do it, to my recollection, in conjunction with the airing of their segment. This could prove to be a grand experiment in crowdfunding- a growing online trend. This could result in Remyxx raising enough capital to get started on their own- without having to pay a percentage to a Shark.
Will the viewing public kick in and help fund Remyxx sneakers? Will the Shark Tank Community of Entrepreneurs be active in funding the KickStarter campaign?
I don’t think Remyxx gets a deal, but I am officially very interested in what happens with this business.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
You did not say if you were in or out . . ???
Said I don’t think you get a deal, but I am interested! I am “in,” sharks out!
Can you add our Brand to your “Purchase Products Here” listing. This is Fleetwood, from Villy Custom.
We are a custom fashion bike brand and we were on Shark Tank on May 4, 2012. Our site is: Thanks so much, Fleetwood
Very much looking forward to seeing Remyxx in action! The product looks amazing and deals with a huge, wasteful problem!
Ummm, how on earth do I actually look at and buy them???
Ummm… Where is the option to see them and or option to buy easily, Mobile feature???
So your posts are controlled by shark tank, and you will dictate the comment section? Way to be independent and cool!!!
Our posts are controlled by me. Comments, however inane, are only prohibited when profane, racist, or otherwise mean. Unfortunately, we don’t edit comments based on whether or not they contribute to the discussion intelligently.
Remyxx is not a good name just because it’s tough to search for
On google. Just advice because the speaking is untraditional.
Love it though. All About Shark Tank!!! And these kicks
He got a deal guys, Damen picked him up to add to his Clothing line. These shoes are awesome, love them and can’t wait to get some! 🙂
I wanted to order some but darn, it asks u all kinds of questions about “pledging” and I just don’t get it. All I want to do is pick out a pair of shoes and pay for them but the site doesn’t make it easy to do that. It is great they are recycling but how about making the page more user friendly? They just lost a sale from me because I can’t figure out the website.