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The Chub Rub Patch for Chaffing

Brittany Lammon invented the Chub Rub Patch to prevent her thighs from rubbing together while walking. This would cause chaffing, which if you’ve ever had it, is uncomfortable at best and painful at worst. It’s the bane of “thick” women whose thickness causes a lot of thighs to rub together. As Brittany says on her website: “The Chub Rub Patches save thighs!”

Before there were thigh patches, people would apply a variety of powders and creams to prevent and/or treat chaffing. With The Chub Rub Patch, you’ll never chafe again! The patches stick to the inside of your thighs and they’re smooth. When your thighs rub together, they simply slide in between them and you’re chafe-free. They’re unobtrusive under clothing and they are sweat and water resistant so you can wear them while working out.

Brittany, who is a “celebrity” hair dresser by profession, came up with the patches back in early 2020. They cost $8.99 for one pair and $12.50 for a three pack. She sells them from her company BragCreations, LLC which she formed when she invented a tool for hairdressers that lets them remove bobby pins with one hand. She’s in the Tank to get a Shark to help her with big box retail distribution. Will the Sharks want to save thighs?

My Take on The Chub Rub Patch

In the summertime, I live in my bathing suit. Sometimes, when I’m in a wet suit too long, I get wicked bad chaffing. I use Gold Bond Powder to alleviate discomfort. I use it after I get chaffed, not as a preventative measure and it cures the problem quickly. The worst is when I start chaffing at the beach or on a boat and there’s no Gold Bond around. That can make for a very uncomfortable day.

As for the Chub Rub Patch, I think it might look a little silly, but I’d be willing to try it. Women have the luxury of hiding the patches with a dress, I don’t. If it really works, I could stand looking a little ridiculous!

Do Sharks Patch Up a Deal?

There are other patches on the market and even more creams and lotions. One of them is even called “Chub Rub” which could create confusion. So the product, while unique, is not proprietary. This often dooms a pitch in the Shark Tank. The other objection is it’s a one product business.

I can see Mark calling it “a product, not a company” and going out. If sales numbers are good, Mr. Wonderful could make an obnoxious royalty offer, otherwise he’s out. Likewise for Robert. That leaves Emma and Lori. Emma may have interest as she sells clothes for “thick” women. If Lori thinks it can sell on QVC, she could make an offer too.

About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.

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