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The Ice Beanie for Keeping Cool

ice beanie Nic Lamb invented the Ice Beanie because he was suffering from migraines that were caused by a concussion. He’s a world class surfer and he injured his head when he wiped out on a huge wave in 2016. Ice was one of the things he used to ease the pain of his migraines, but he wanted something more convenient, so he invented it.

The Ice Beanie is essentially that blue stuff you use for sports injuries in the shape of a hat. It has a Velcro adjustable strap that makes it “one size fits all.” Just throw it in the freezer and in an hour or so, it’s ready to go. The cold is good for migraines, fevers, hangovers and more. The snug fit also helps.

Cold therapy is appealing to Mr. Lamb and others. It doesn’t require drugs, which many people take for migraines, and it’s about as easy as it gets with The IceBeanie. Nic is back on the surfing circuit, with the help of his invention no doubt. As a surfer, he’s familiar with Sharks, but will he be able to catch one in the Tank?

My Take on The Ice Beanie

I swear to God I had this idea 15 years ago, I just never made a product out of it. When I had my Hot Dog Truck, I would keep those sports injury reusable ice packs in my freezer and put them under my baseball hat. I wasn’t doing it for headaches, I was doing it to keep cool in hot weather. It can get REALLY HOT inside a food truck. My wife said I should make a product out of it but I never did.

Nic patented his idea, so my rights to the idea are gone! No worries – cooler heads will prevail. I’ll bet he makes sales to people who work in hot environments. Without those ice packs, there were days when it would have been impossible to work. I am in.

Will Sharks Chill with this Surfer?

I think this product has Lori written all over it. It’s inexpensive ($39.99 on Amazon) and it appeals to a wide range of people. Lori will also like that it’s patented. I fully expect her to bid. This is the type of product she can blow up. Mr. Wonderful won’t bid unless it grows his hair back!

As for Mark, I don’t see him getting excited about the business. Barbara may did, but I’m not sure about Kendra. One thing is sure, if Nic gets a bid from Lori, he better take it!


About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.


  1. roberta r mcintyre says

    The Ice Beanie may be good, but just try to get one. I ordered one a month ago, and am still waiting. Bad business, bad customer service, bad everything. I can’t comment on the product, cause I can’t get one!
    Whoever invested in this should be paying attention.

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