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Cakes Body

cakes bodyTwin sisters Casey Sarai and Taylor Capuano seek a fit for Cakes Body, their silicon nipple covers, in Shark Tank episode 1509. Women who don’t want to bare their nipples through their clothing often use pasties as a cover-up. Now, with Cakes Body, they won’t need to put irritating adhesives on the sensitive nipple area.

Cakes Body sells silicon nipple covers that grip to the skin with natural body heat. Because they’re made from medical grade silicon, they’re re-usable. They come in 3 sizes: CAKES Itty Bitty, which are 8cm in diameter, Cakes OG’s, which are 10cm in diameter, and CAKES (+), which are 13cm in diameter. The “Cakes” come in 3 shades – honey, caramel and cocoa and cost $30 per pair.

The sisters started the business with just $5000 and no marketing budget at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. They were both fearful of losing their jobs, so they got to work. Some of their videos went viral on Tik Tok and they amassed strong sales. Lifetime sales are expected to top $10 million by the end of 2023! They likely want a Shark’s help managing their growth.

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Posts about Cakes Body on Shark Tank Blog

The Inspiring Journey of Cake Bodies

Cakes Body Shark Tank Recap

Casey and Taylor will pitch the panel of five Sharks on the business and its prospects for growth. They’ll need to convince Mark Cuban, Emma Grede, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner and Robert Herjavec that the company is worthy of a Shark investment. A good business plan, good financials, and sales data will impress the Sharks, but they’ll need to show them THEY are capable of running the company to “Shark standards.” A full pitch re-cap on Cakes Body will be available on Shark Tank Blog once this episode airs.

Cakes Body Shark Tank Update

The Shark Tank Blog constantly provides updates and follow-ups about entrepreneurs who have appeared on the Shark Tank TV show. Once an episode has aired, we monitor the progress of the businesses featured, whether they receive funding or not and report on their progress. The Shark Tank Blog will follow-up on Cakes Body & Casey Sarai and Taylor Capuano as more details become available.