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Forus Athletics Failure

When Joel Vinocur and Arsene Millogo appeared in season six pitching Forus Athletics running shoes, I didn’t think they’d get a deal, but I was excited about their product. I ordered a pair of their Membrane Crypt sneakers and I LOVED them. They actually sent me a second pair (I’m glad they did)! Forus sneakers are […]

Latest Scott Jordan Apology Doesn’t Ring True

The latest entry on the Scott Jordan apology tour is more detailed than the first, but still sounds about as shallow as the man. Jordan, who is famous for his season three Shark Tank appearance, raised the ire of conservatives across the nation when he called Fox News viewers the “f” word (among other insults), […]

Did Magic Cook Knock Off Baro Cook?

Sharon Yu of Magic Cook scored a deal with Daymond in episode 612: she accepted a deal for $100K for 33% of her business. Some interesting information came to light since the episode aired. A company called Dokdo, Ltd claims THEY own the patent to the “heating container” technology. They claim Sharon Yu used their […]

Elephant Chat Fail – Shark Tank Failures

I was a bit surprised to find news of a monumental Shark Tank failure when I got an Elephant Chat Fail story in my inbox. For those who don’t remember, Jason and Amanda Adams appeared in episode 509 back in season 5. The episode recently aired during Shark Tank Week- they were on with FiberFix […]

Sour Ballz: Sweet Ballz Deal in Court

When Sweet Ballz entrepreneurs James McDonald and Cole Egger aired in the Shark Tank in the Season 5 premier, they looked like winners. They scored a deal with Mark Cuban and Barbara Corcoran and the viewer response was huge. Interest in Sweet Ballz posts on Shark Tank Blog was high, which usually means the business […]

Failure Stories from the Shark Tank

Failure stories don’t get featured on Shark Tank in the update segments. Why would they? Shark Tank wants to feature success stories. Plenty of entrepreneurs “fail” by not getting a deal, but manage to parlay their appearance on the show into further success for their business. Those stories get plenty of coverage; some companies that […]