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Shark Tank Success Stories

success storiesShark Tank Success Stories go beyond what happens on TV. Behind each business that appears on the show is a hard-working person or group of people who share a dream to make their business succeed. Each week, ABC highlights their Shark Tank success stories in the update segment (usually following the first pitch).

These updates are the most obvious success stories, but many entrepreneurs who go on the show don’t get the “Disney moment” update. Even so, success stories abound. There are plenty of failure stories from the Shark Tank too, but it seems the success stories are in the majority.

Success Stories don’t always get a Deal

Most people who apply to be on Shark Tank want a deal. Some get one, some don’t. Only a third of the offers made on air actually result in a deal and many of the deals change. Getting a deal on air is a public agreement to continue talking and negotiating, not a guarantee. The Shark Tank Effect has a funny way of turning  “failed” on-air presentations into success stories. I interview many entrepreneurs who appear on the show and a lot of them make so many sales just from appearing on the show, they don’t need the Sharks any more!

Shark Tank is unique television. It is entertainment, but it’s also commerce driven. The natural social mechanization of the marketplace make interaction inevitable. Interactions equal sales in many cases. Guys like Gary DeJohn, Vinamor inventor, leave the Tank with no deal, yet months later, he’s CRUSHING IT with sales! His appearance resulted in a new investor, increased awareness for his product, and instant credibility with prospects. Just appearing on the show makes many people think an entrepreneur has “what it takes.”

There are many success stories – read through some of the interviews on this site to hear them.

About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.

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