I made a new website called The Awesome Life Blog! I’ve been blogging since 2007. At first, it was a side hustle, then when I came on board to the Shark Tank Blog in 2012, I went full time. A year after that, I bought out my partner. On my new site, I’ll be sharing that journey with whoever cares to learn about how you can earn a lot of income online.
I’ll also share health and fitness tips as my wife and I amp up our nutritional and physical well being. There will also be personal development information and lots of other stuff. The goal is to help people learn about the three things that allow people to live an awesome life: personal excellence, physical excellence and professional excellence.
The Awesome Life Blog
Your personal life is you and the people around you. In this part of the site, I will post articles about how to stay mentally focused, personal development and healthy relationships, no matter what you want to do. If your relationships are healthy, you will be in a positive mental frame of mind.
In the physical section of the site, there will be articles about diet, exercise, smoking cessation and more. My wife and I quit smoking this year and it’s the best thing we’ve ever done for ourselves. You only have one body and you have to treat it right. If you don’t having a good personal and professional life is impossible. You need to eliminate unhealthy habits, eat right and exercise. Hopefully these tools will guide you to a better physical state.
The professional section of this site will discuss tools for earning online, educational resources and case studies. Whether you want to learn blogging, internet marketing or how to sell your own products or business online, this is a resource for you. I will share my knowledge and help you leverage it so you can reach your goals professionally.
Are You Ready to Live an Awesome Life?
My life is pretty awesome right now. I have good health, I make good money and my relationships are all solid. We live in a beautiful resort town in Florida and I go fishing every morning. My wife likes her corporate job, but she’s learning my business so we can travel when our youngest gets out of high school. If you want to come on this journey with me, check out the Awesome Life Blog HERE. There isn’t much on there yet, but I’ll be building it out once Shark Tank Season 12 is over! I hope to see you there.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
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