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EzVip Alashe Nelson Shark Tank Premiere

EzVip Alashe Nelson goes on Shark Tank to pitch an online business that sells VIP access to the hottest night clubs around the country. At first glance, the site doesn’t have significant traction and lacks promotion for the season première episode of Shark Tank that airs tonight. The only clubs listed are a few in South Beach, Miami.

EzVip Alashe Nelson needs to have traction with clubs outside of the South Beach area. Alashe Neslon hasn’t done any promotion on the site, is not in the press other than the releases done by the TV show itself and demonstrates that it’s highly unlikely that the business did a deal with any of the investors on Shark Tank.

This business should have a blog on the site, hyping the appearance on Shark Tank and showcasing venues and events that it has sold tables and passes for. EzVip Alashe Nelson needs a blog showcasing customers and acts or DJ’s that are performing. You can search by venue, date, Act/DJ but it doesn’t sell the sizzle and it needs the blog to do that.

If one of the Shark Tank Investors got in, the branding would be much different from what it is now. It’s a portal to buy tables and passes, nothing more and that means that it’s not an easy site to find online. The marketing strategy needs help.

EzVip Alashe Nelson Give Up Equity

Another unknown is what EzVip Alashe Nelson is asking of the Shark Tank Investors and how much equity in the company is available and at what price.  A rich evaluation can kill an investment deal on some of the best ideas. While I think this is an OK idea, I think that the barrier to entry on this model is to low and is easily duplicated by many people, if it’s not already being done by too many already. To compete in this niche, greatness is required and this site doesn’t ooze greatness.



  1. Mark Cuban missed a big point. My cutting out Robert he actually cost himself money. He end up spending 75k for 15% (because of split with Daymond). Before getting into bidding war, it was 150k for 45% so Cuban could have got the same 15% for only 50k if he would have let Robert purchase the 3rd 15%.

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