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Boo Boo Goo – Paint On Bandages

boo boo gooBoo Boo Goo, a paint on bandage product, was “invented” by 6 year-old Kiowa Kavovit and she’ll pitch the Sharks on March 14 on a special “young entrepreneurs” episode. Kiowa is the daughter of actor Andrew Kavovit who best know for a long stint on the daytime soap opera As the World Turns. Other than a cute video on the Shark Tank Blog’s business page for Boo Boo Goo, there isn’t a heck of a lot information about this business.

The company’s website isn’t live (as of March 6), but they do have a Facebook Page. Boo Boo Goo is essentially a liquid that you “paint” on cuts and scrapes. It comes in a variety of colors and kids are supposed to like the stuff – Kiowa does. It’s a cute product that would probably sell well.

My Take on Boo Boo Goo

I don’t want to sound like I am picking on a six year-old, but I have a lot of problems with this whole pitch. First, I find it hard to believe Kiowa invented this stuff. I can’t picture a kid her age coming up with the chemical formulas and doing even a part of the business related stuff needed to put a product like this on the market. Second, there is another company selling a product called Boo Boo Goo. It’s a salve, not a paint on bandage, but the name is the same. Third, I am a bit suspicious of the fact that Andrew Kavovit is a veteran actor. This smacks of a big PR, made-for-Shark Tank put-on. Could it be the producers wanted a very young entrepreneur for this special show and they found a kid who can act? Kiowa is cute as a button and quite a ham, it wouldn’t surprise me if this was a role she’s playing.

I also find it difficult to fathom how a business that’s going on Shark Tank doesn’t have a website up a week before they air. Their Facebook page started in September 2013 and has very little stuff on it. Something doesn’t smell right with this whole pitch and product, I wonder if it’s a real product at all.

If it is real, it seems like something my kids would have wanted when they were little. Boo boos a re a BIG DEAL to young children. If they were still little, I’d probably pick up a jar or too. If it is real, I have to believe little Kiowa is not much more than a spokesperson.

Will the Sharks Give Kiowa a Boo Boo?

I don’t think the Sharks will beat the kid up, that would be mean, but I can’t see them investing (unless that’s scripted too). Not to cast any aspersions on Kiowa, but even the sharpest six year old on the planet isn’t qualified to run a consumer products business. I wouldn’t invest in one of my own kids when they were six, they still needed me to put their bandages on at that age. I’m sure Kiowa is a wonderful kid, I just think there are too many things wrong with the pitch for a Shark to bite.



About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.

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