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Dave Greco The Salespreneur Preview

Shark Tank Investors

Dave Greco, The Salespreneur claims to have thrown Daymond John out of the Shark Tank. That’s an interesting claim, so I called out Daymond John on Twitter. Let’s see if he has a response to this one.

Dave Greco, claims that he’s been in the top 2% of every sales organization that he’s been in and hasn’t lost a contest yet. He’s confident beyond reason in an interview with a local news station, but somewhat more humble on other videos.

Does he get nervous with the Sharks and come off over-confident like he did in the local news story?

Dave Greco Salespreneur Confident or Arrogant?

Confidence is critical in sales, but over confidence can cost you the golden egg. Does Dave Greco blow it by being too confident? Why is he going on the show? Is it that his company is too young and needs the exposure?

He’s certainly not a social media guru, his Twitter account shows 36 people following him. He is promoting the show like crazy now, using the #sharktank hash tag, but that’s not likely to help him until after the show airs.

Dave Greco does have a clean-looking Salespreneur website, but I don’t see the call to actions on the site. If he’s selling his services he surely would use a list building service such as AWeber that will lead people to his mailing list to close the deal. Dave Greco, you might want to check them out quick, you should have had them setup before the show tonight. You do have a sign-up area in the upper right hand corner of the website, but it doesn’t stand out and most people will miss it.

Greco, The Salespreneur talks about web 2.0. Why not start using what you’re preaching on your own website?

I’m not sold on your ability to close the deal. You’ve got hype, but you aren’t showing the stuff.

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