Brooke Knaus seeks a good fit with a Shark for Tucky, her belt designed for top tucking, in Shark Tank episode 1422 – the season 14 finale. Instead of tucking a tee shirt, sweater or shirt into your bra to get a tucked in look, now you can use Tucky and not have a bulky bulge at your waist.
She first got the idea for her product in 2020 during the Covid-19 lockdown. She was spending a lot of time in sweats and was tucking her sweatshirt up into her bra. In November, 2021, she dug an elastic belt out of her closet and began using it to tuck her tops into. The only problem was her tops slipped out a lot, so she sought out a manufacturer that made a less stretchy elastic belt.
After creating the Tucky prototype, she noticed the tucked-in look was all over social media, so she decided to start selling them. She originally sold on a pre-order basis after announcing “drops” on her Instagram pages. Now, you can order them from her website. Each belt costs $30 and a portion of all sales benefit pediatric oncology care in Tanzania. She also sells breast lifting tape and a long sleeve top desined specifically for tucking. Brooke’s likely looking for a Shark’s help juicing up her marketing.
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Tucky Shark Tank Recap
Brooke enters the Shark Tank seeking $70,000 for 30% of her company. She says the Sharks know something about fashion and that crop tops are super hot right now. What do you do when you have a cute top you want to turn into a crop? You could chop it yourself or do the bra tuck hack that’s hot on social media right now. If you use the bra tuck hack, once you start moving around, it slips out. When those hacks don’t work, you can use Tucky – it turns any top into a crop. A model demonstrates how it works onstage.
The Sharks examine their samples. Daymond asks the three onstage models to show their tucks. Tucking tops into pants adds bulk to the waistband which is what Brooke doesn’t want to happen. Brooke created Tucky after having her second child. She was post partum and feeling disconnected from her body. She was wearing a lot of sweatsuits and tucking the top into her bra while simultaneously pulling her pants all the way up to create an hourglass figure. While playing with her kids, the top would come untucked.She looked for a solution online and found nothing. She thought if it’s a problem for her, it’s probably a problem for millions of other women and that’s how Tucky was born. She launched in early 2022 and has $60,000 in sales. Landed cost is $5 and they retail for $30. Her profit so far is $40,000. She attributes most of her sales from going viral on Tik Tok in the first month by de-bunking the bra tuck hack.
Mark says it’s a great product and he’ll bring his Tucky to his daughters, but it’s not a fit for him; he’s out. Lori thinks it’s a great little product but she doesn’t see it as a big enough market for her; she’s out. Brooke says her target market is women between 15 and 25 years old – a demographic of 15 million people. Barbara loves that the product is simple but she’s worried it could be a trend; she’s out. Kevin says it’s “off his piste (a skiing term meaning you’re off marked trail)” but he offers $70,000 for 40%. Daymond thinks it’s a “flyer” and he wants to beat Kevin; he offers $70,000 for 40%. Brooke counters with 39% and Daymond accepts.
Tucky Shark Tank Update
The Shark Tank Blog constantly provides updates and follow-ups about entrepreneurs who have appeared on the Shark Tank TV show. On the night the show originally aired, Brooke completely sold out of her stock and was on a pre-order basis for about a month afterwards. While there is no hard evidence of the deal closing as of the first re-run in July, 2023 – just 2 months after the original air date, she is working with a creative marketing agency Daymond reccomended.
The Shark Tank Blog will follow-up on Tucky & Brooke Knaus as more details become available.