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Worthy Brands Shark Tank Update – Shark Tank Season 15

worthy brandsPaige Brattin hopes to seal a deal for Worthy Brands, her eye and chemotherapy port patches busines, in Shark Tank episode 1501 – the season 15 premier. Brattin’s daughter has a condition called Amblyopia, a condition where one eye is “stronger” than the other. It’s totally treatable – simply cover the stronger eye with an eye patch so the weaker eye works harder uuntil equilibrium is reached. When she found out her daughter was not suffering from tumors, Paige dedicated her life to solving eye problems – a portion of proceeds goes towards early detection vision screening programs.

When her daughter wasn’t too excited about the patches she had to wear, Paige set out to design her own. See Worthy patches have colorful, whimsical designs on them. They’re also shaped differently than standard eye patches so they fit th socket better. The material and adhesives for the patches won’t harm sensitive skin either.

The chemotherapy port patches function the same way with fun designs and skin sensitivity in mind. 1 out of 45 kids suffer from Amblyopia and there are over 1 million chemotherapy patients every year, so there’s a good market for Worthy Brands. Paige likely wants a Shark’s help growing into new markets.

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See Worthy Eye Patches

Worthy Brands Shark Tank Recap

Paige enters the Shark Tank seeking $250,000 for 10% of her business. She tells the story of how when her daughter was 5, she was blind from amblyopia – one of the leading causes of childhood vision loss. It affects 1 in 45 children. It’s treatable by wearing an eye patch over the stronger eye to stregnthen the vision in the weaker eye. The patches on the market were uninspiring, uncomfortable and kids didn’t want to wear them. That’s why she invented See Worthy Patches. The innovative, patented design has breathable materials, medical adhesives and a unique shap that fits the eye socket.

The Sharks examie their samples. Candace likes that Paige is bringing dignity and fun to this situation. Paige says about 2 million kids in the USA have amblyopia. The time kids wear the patch differs depending on the severity of the amblyopia. Mark says his dad had to wear patches – he wants to know about the industry. Paige says there’s on other big comppany making eye patches. What differentiates See Worthy is the shape. The combination of the adhesive and the shape is what is patented.

2019 sales were $150,000. So far in 2023, she’s just under $200,000; she has $1.7 million in lifetime sales. A box of 50 patches sells for $27.50 and costs $7 landed. She doesn’t spend a lot on marketing, she goes to conferences and meets the doctors who recommend the product to their patients. Paige needs to compete with the large company and that’s why she’s in the Tank.

Kevin is amazed at what Paige has done, but he won’t use the product; he’s out. Mark doesn’t think she needs a partner; he’s out. Paige tells the Sharks licensing could be a good idea. Daymond doesn’t think she needs help and that she’s doing great; he’s out. Lori’s out but says she’d be happy to talk to Paige about licensing. Candace admires what Paige has done but she still goes out.

Worthy Brands Shark Tank Update

The Shark Tank Blog constantly provides updates and follow-ups about entrepreneurs who have appeared on the Shark Tank TV show. In a press release that cam out after the show originally aired, Paige said, “I truly enjoyed the time in the Tank. There were such great conversations with all the Sharks about so many aspects of my business.”  The Shark Tank Blog will follow-up on Worthy Brands & Paige Brattin as more details become available.