May Sweeps month will soon be upon us and ABC is loaded for Shark on Friday nights! The two-episode, Shark Tank season 4 finale airs on May 17 and in the weeks leading up to that, fans will be treated to double dose of Shark Tank with re-runs at 8 PM EST and a new show at 9 PM EST. By the time the May sweeps season ends, everyone will have a LOT of Shark Tank to digest.
May Sweeps Opens on May 3rd
Friday, May 3 is the first Friday of the coveted May Sweeps month when networks set their ad rates based on ratings. ABC hopes to capitalize on Shark Tank’s popularity with a re-run of episode 408 at 8 PM EST and a new show, episode 421, at 9 PM.
Friday, May 10, the second Friday of May sweeps month, has a re-run of episode 411 at 8 an a new show, episode 425, at 9.
The fourth season of Shark Tank ends on May 17 with TWO new shows. Episode 423 is technically not new, but most of the country didn’t see it due to coverage of the Boston bombings. ABC decided to give the episode another run in the May Sweeps 8 PM slot so the masses could enjoy it. The season finale show, episode 424, will air at 9 PM.
Summer with the Sharks
Shark Tank will continue to run old episodes on Fridays all summer and probably on some Sundays as well in certain markets. The Shark Tank Blog will continue to do updates on new developments with the show and interviews with entrepreneurs long after May sweeps ends.
The Sharks and over one hundred hopeful entrepreneurs will spend the summer shooting the much anticipated season 5 shows while Shark Tank fans will be treated to more of their favorites from seasons past.
I’ll be doing my National Hot Dog Month Tour again this July and I’ve already begun filming some segments. More than one Shark Tank entrepreneur will make their way onto the tour this year, so there will be updates on that too.
In the meantime, get your Shark Tank on Friday night with The Shark Tank Blog and join in on the live Tweeting at #SharkTank.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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