Karen Nation eats healthy, that’s why she created her no bake Creation Nation Protein Bar Mix. She’s a Sports nutritionist who had food allergies as a child. She was always experimenting in the kitchen and in 2014, she decided to make her protein bar and energy bite mixes for the world to enjoy. She felt most protein bars were just candy bars in disguise, too.
All you do is add the mix to a liquid – yogurt, applesauce or any nut milk – and a fat – avocado, ghee or almond butter. The mixes come in four flavors: Oat Yes Chocolate Chip, Cocoa for Coconuts, Whey Hip Chocolate Chip and Peas Love and Cocoa. Whether you’re vegan, keto, or paleo, these mixes are for you. She seems to have good distribution. Her products are in Wal Mart, Whole Foods, Amazon and dozens of other chains and small grocers.
My Take on The Protein Bar Mix
These look pretty good. I am on a Keto diet, so this product appeals to me. Even though you get to eat bacon on a keto diet, I miss sweets. These look like they might help me with that craving. At twelve bucks a bag (which makes 8 bars) it’s affordable too.
I’ll probably try these the next time I order food from Amazon. I order Just the Cheese every month! Pretty soon, my pantry will be full of Shark Tank Products!
Will Sharks Bite These Bars?
I’m thinking no deal here and it’s for Shark Tank “conspiracy theory” reasons. Hear me out.
Way back in season four, a woman named Shelton Wilder pitched a slip called The Shemie. She did not get a deal. When I spoke with Shelton, she revealed that she got on the show because “a friend who knows one of the producers made an introduction.”
Shelton and Karen are friends, so it’s not unreasonable to think they have the same connection to one of the producers. Sometimes, not often mind you, the producers will put someone on the show not so much for their business, but for their perceived entertainment value. I am in no way casting aspersions on Karen or her product – I plan on buying them, but my “spidey sense” is telling me she’s just on the show for TV reasons, not business reasons.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
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