The Shark Tank is all done. Summertime will bring us re-runs where we can see our favorites once again, but we will have to wait awhile for new episodes. All the buzz is the open casting calls have seen a ridiculous amount of wanna be shark bait trying out to be on the show. Having gone to an open call for The Amazing Race myself, I can only imagine the Shark Tank open calls were a complete zoo!
Here at the Shark Tank Blog, we will continue to be a resource for fans of the show in the “off season.” I will continue to interview entrepreneurs who have appeared on the show and keep people posted of any interesting developments related to the show. As always, we will continue to be a good source for finding products that have appeared on The Shark Tank.
The good news is, we won’t have to wait until 2013 to see new shows. The Shark Tank got picked up for 22 episodes and is listed in the Friday, 8PM slot for ABC’s fall line-up. What that probably means is 11 shows before Christmas and 11 in the new year. Any way you slice it- there will be plenty of Shark Tank for everyone to take a bite out of!
Writing this blog has been loads of fun for me. I will miss the constant immersion in everything related to the show, but I will be busy with my own endeavors. In the “off season,” I will be writing a book about the Shark Tank and I hope to have some of the show’s entrepreneurs (and maybe Sharks) contribute. I hope to have it out by the fall.
I am also preparing for the National Hot Dog Month 2012 Tour where I will eat a hot dog a day every day during the month of July. My cameraman and tour sidekick, Drew Bennet, and I will travel to four (maybe five) New England states to sample hot dogs from iconic joints to street carts. We will be posting videos of the quest daily and we will produce a feature length documentary which we should have out before Christmas. We have already shot some footage for the documentary. I will also be writing a book about the experience. We have most of the project funded, but we need just a little bit more to get the tour off the ground. Read all about how to fund the National Hot Dog Month Tour HERE.
By the time I get done working on all that stuff, the fall TV season will be started and I will be back, along with Kirk, to provide fans the best Shark Tank news, previews, and reviews. We have some big plans for next season about how to take this blog to the next level as the best Shark Tank resource out there, but that will be a surprise!
I’d like to thank all our readers, the Sharks, and most of all, all the entrepreneurs who have appeared on the show. I have interviewed many entrepreneurs (I even had a hot dog lunch with the Nardo’s Natural boys) and I have even interviewed Lori Greiner! I promise I will pick up right where I left off next season.
Have a great summer, and watch out for Sharks!

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
Dear Rob,
Thank you for your reviews on shark tank, wonderful show in so many ways but mostly to help entrepreneurs and Inventors. I for the life of me cannot figure out why I cannot make it to a casting call or even get selected for a casting call, I know its not my product cause honestly speacking I have only seen a few products on the show that match up to it, Im not bragging either. I do love the show and for one good reason and that is the sharks really so know a good product or Idea when they see one. I just need a leg up, just once, I know this product will fit the show. Regards, Steve Ohlund
Please help if you can. any suggestions? Ive tried since season one! Ph 805 806-0585