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ReQRuitme Technology – Entrepreneur’s Spotlight


This guest post was written by Steve Gonzalez of ReQRuitme Technology as part of Shark Tank Blog’s new Entrepreneur’s Spotlight series. Steve would love to get on Shark Tank, but we all know, not every business can make it to taping. Will ReQRuitme be on season six? We’ll see…… If you are an entrepreneur and want to guest post about your business on Shark Tank Blog, please contact us.

Question…If you left your mobile phone and your wallet at home, then went to work, which would you miss more during the course of the day…your phone or your wallet?

Let’s face it, for many of us, our mobile phone is our LIFE! (I am not just talking about using your phone to make a call!) On average, we check the main page of our mobile phones 150 times A DAY! Emails, Text Messages, the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – you name it, we are on our phones communicating, researching, watching videos, listening to music, paying our bills, and the list goes on. It is no longer just Mobile Technology. It is now, MOBILE BEHAVIOR!

So, why not bring athletic recruitment into the mobile technology arena? A little over a year ago, my business partner and I were at a football camp where 1,500 high school student athletes, spread out over three fields, went through a variety of drills and exercises while 125 college coaches ran up and down the sidelines trying to figure out who was who and how they could get more information on the players they saw in front of them. In the coaches’ hands were a pile of papers, and printed on them were the player’s name, number, city, state, phone number and email address. The coaches were “overwhelmed” (to say the least) which prompted one major college football institution’s coach to say, “This Is Crazy…There’s Got To Be A Better Way To Get This Information!

Enter ReQRuitme Technology

ReQRuitme, the mobile application system that allows high school student-athletes to provide their athletic and academic information to college coaches/recruiters instantly and easily, WAS BORN!

High School Student-Athletes and Parents stress over how to get a college coach to see their information. The days of sending dvds are over, (when was the last time you watched a dvd?) and so, many athletes and their parents are left sending a college coach a link to a website via email. But, what if, while that coach was watching your son/daughter play in front of them, they could scan a personalized QR Code, (ReQRuitme Code) and now, on the coach’s mobile device is a complete mobile profile of the high school athlete: the athlete’s academic info, their college interests, their athletic statistics, honors, awards, and even the player’s highlight video, right there on the mobile device – instantly. For the College Coach, imagine the time you would save if you had access to all this information on the spot. And, as a coach, you can “share” this information with other coaches on your team right away as well as attach an excel spreadsheet with all the players contact info that can be transferred to your own recruitment database – again, imagine the time you would save!

With ReQRuitme’s mobile application, a high school athlete can literally get their information into a coach’s hands on the spot. From Academic information to Athletic Statistics, Honors, Awards, Coaches’ Recommendations and even Highlight Video, ReQRuitme’s use of mobile technology allows the college coach/recruiter to have immediate access to all the information they want when looking at a potential recruit. ReQRuitme allows the student-athlete to get their info to the coaches with ease and immediacy. Keep in mind, ReQRuitme is NOT A RECRUITMENT SERVICE. It simply uses mobile technology to transfer a high school student-athlete’s information to a college coach quickly and easily.

In today’s fast paced world, time is our most valuable asset – you can never get it back! And for college coaches who are constantly on the go, anything that saves them time is valuable. As one coach stated about mobile technology, “With everything from emails to banking to plane tickets being handled directly on your cell phone these days, it only makes sense that college recruiting is given the same courtesy.” The trend of mobile technology has changed the landscape of how we gather and distribute our information – with ReQRuitme, high school athletes can now do that with their academic and athletic information in such a way that college coaches can easily find their information immediately on the field.

You will never look at your phone the same way again! Checkout what Arcadia University Men’s Lacrosse Coach, Franc Cook, had to say about ReQRuitme Technology…ReQRuitme

“I travel thousands of miles every year attending events to find the right players for my program.  Although I enjoy every second of it, sometimes the huge booklet with countless rosters can be a bit overwhelming at times (college coaches can understand this on a windy or rainy day!)  The ReQRuitme Technology is AWESOME!  This technology will help reduce those complications by eliminating reams of paper used and save a coach’s eyes from the strain of trying to decipher the small print of a huge roster.  Just like the college recruiting process, technology is forever evolving.  It’s time athletes and coaches alike catch up and utilize products such as ReQRuitme Technology that will make our lives easier!”

To see a ReQRuitme Mobile Profile, click on the link:

For more information on ReQRuitme Technology contact


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