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Energy Bits – Algae-Based Food Supplement

energy bitsCatherine Arnston started selling Energy Bits back in 2008. Energy Bits are an algae-based nutritional supplement that are “so nutritionally dense, they eliminate fatigue and hunger instantly. ” She claims they help athletes get more energy than energy drinks, gels, bars and supplements; and they get all these benefits in a tiny tablet that’s made primarily from algae.

Algae has the highest concentration of protein in the world. It’s a super food, but nobody can eat it in its raw form. Energy bits are a small tablet: easy to eat and take on the go. She also sells Recovery Bits to recover from athletic activities, Vitality Bits to increase vitality and boost longevity, and Skinny Bits for a healthy low calorie snack or help losing weight without being hungry. Each product relies on the power of algae to fuel its health claims.

Energy Bits aren’t cheap – a pouch of 1000 costs $120. This pouch has 33 adult servings of 30 tabs and will last a month. That’s 30 tablets a day! While it seems like a lot, it’s jsut algae and it curbs hunger while increasing Metabolism. People who use Energy Bits love them. Most online reviews are very positive, but the real question is will the Sharks like algae?

My Take on Energy Bits

Nutritional supplements aren’t part of my daily routine. I try to eat right and get a good balanced diet from good, mostly organic, food. I recently went Paleo and swore off grains. Since then, I lost weight and feel much better. I just don’t do pills and supplements, though I know a lot of people who do.

The algae thing has me skeeved out a bit, too. The tablets look like solidified algae. I have to believe they don’t taste good. If I were starving, I might eat them, but it doesn’t appear appetizing to me. For that reason, I’m out.

Do Sharks like Algae?

Arnston started her business in 2008. The sheer fact she’s still in business is a testament to either one of two things: she’s successful or she’s throwing a lot of cash at the business to keep it going. She has over 7000 Facebook folowers, but so does the Shark Tank Blog, and I’ve been in business half the time she has.

The previews for this segment depict Arnston as a bit overly excited about her product and the Sharks don’t appear impressed. There are clips of them saying the stuff tastes “nasty.” That type of feedback can’t be good. For that reason, I think the Sharks are out too.

About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.


  1. Yvonne smith says

    I just watched and saw you cannot loose weight by taking these so I suggest you send out free samples if you want people to see the benefit of your product. Thank you

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