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Episode 107 – Season 1

leslie haywood grill charms update episode 107Episode 107 features four new businesses seeking an investment from the Sharks and has the very first update on a previously seen business that got a deal in the Tank. Leslie Haywood wants to cook up a deal for Grill Charms, her markers for grill meats that help people know which steak is which. Todd Robbins and David Adamovich pitch The Funhouse Project, their idea for a huge entertainment venue in Times Square, NY. Dedelle Parra and Kathy Lamm need a Shark to help them get Boogie Box Fitness, their dance and exercise program, off and running. Sawyer Sparks “kneads” an investment for Soy-Yer-Dough, a soy-based Play Dough like product for kids with wheat allergies.

Which companies sink and which ones swim in the Shark Tank?

The Sharks


Episode 107 Air Date

  • First Run –  September 29, 2009

Follow up segments featuring past Shark Tank success stories are a regular feature on Shark Tank.  Episode 107 features the first update in Shark Tank history. Episode 107’s update segment features Susan Knapp, who struck a deal with Robert and Kevin Harrington in episode 102 for her specialty preserves and gourmet food business called Perfect Pear.

There were 14 Shark Tank Episodes for Season 1. Casting is currently closed, but it never hurts to get a head start on next season! If you would like to appear on the show, check out our Auditions and Casting information.

Episode 107 – The Shark Investors and Entrepreneurs

The Shark Tank Episode 107 entrepreneurs make their best pitch to the panel of five Shark investors who will use their own money if they choose to invest. The Shark Investors negotiate on the spot without any previous information, which differs from typical negotiations between venture capital investors and entrepreneurial start-ups.

Companies pitching the Shark Investors must go through a rigorous due diligence process before an on-air deal is completed. Shark Tank Blog follow ups help you keep track of the companies that end up successful and the ones that don’t complete their deal.

Thank you for reading SharkTankBlog, the number one site for Entrepreneurs, Investors and Fans. Our content updates multiple times day, giving you the latest information on Episode 107, Season 1, and all other seasons and episodes.

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