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Episode 402 – Shark Tank Season 4

Episode 402 - Shark Tank Season 4Highlights

  • IU grad pitches automated coat check system to alma mater Mark Cuban and fellow Sharks
  • Beer belt buckle and ancient Chinese massage businesses seek to loosen up the Sharks
  • Unprecedented deal: NJ duo scores investment from all five Sharks for bed bug detector
  • ReadeRest magnetic eyeglass holder update: millions sold since Lori Greiner’s Season 3 investment
Episode Information Details
Season 4
Episode Number 402
Air Date September 14, 2012
Featured Startups Bev Buckle Coatchex Body Walking Institute Buggybeds
Founders Jay Kriner Derek Pacque Todd Miller Maria Curcio & Veronica Periongo
Product Belt buckle holder Coat check system Body Walking Massage Bed bug detection system
Investment Ask $50,000 $200,000 $100,000 $125,000
Equity Offered 75% 10% 10% 7%

Episode 402 was the much-anticipated season 4 premier. The highly touted 4th season of Shark Tank got of to a big start with an Indiana University (Mark Cuban’s alma mater) graduate pitching the Sharks on his automated, computerized coat check system he plans to license to bars and nightclubs. A beer holding belt buckle with a humorous tag line gets the Sharks laughing and a man who wants to open a chain of ancient Chinese body massage clinics present their businesses in the Shark Tank. History is made when two savvy New Jersey businesswomen get ALL FIVE Sharks to invest in their early bed bug indicator product.

The Sharks


Follow up segments featuring past Shark Tank success stories are a regular feature on Shark Tank.  Episode 402 updates fans on life-long inventor Rick Hopper and his magnetic eyeglass holder. Lori Greiner invested in ReadeRest in the Shark Tank Season 3, episode 302. Lori and Rick have sold millions of dollars worth of Rick’s product.

There are 24 Shark Tank Episodes for Season 4. Casting is currently closed, but it never hurts to get a head start on season five! If you would like to appear on the show, check out our Auditions and Casting information.

Episode 402 – The Shark Investors and Entrepreneurs

The Shark Tank Episode 402 entrepreneurs will make their best pitch to the panel of five Shark investors who will use their own money if they choose to invest. The Shark Investors negotiate on the spot without any previous information, which differs from typical negotiations between venture capital investors and entrepreneurial start-ups.

Companies pitching the Shark Investors must go through a rigorous due diligence process before an on-air deal is completed. Shark Tank Blog follow ups help you keep track of the companies that end up successful and the ones that don’t complete their deal.

Thank you for reading SharkTankBlog, the number one site for Entrepreneurs, Investors and Fans. Our content updates multiple times day, giving you the latest information on Episode 402, Season 4, and all other seasons and episodes.

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